Friday 15 April 2011

Top Eating Tip for Weight Management

There is one weight management eating tip that you need to do every day. Eat protein with every meal.

At any meal, get full on protein foods first. It will help you eat less of the condiments, desserts and other high-fat foods. Nuts, ham, eggs, turkey, low-fat dairy, chicken, fish, etc. are great foods to eat for protein. Eating protein also helps control your blood sugar if you happen to eat carbohydrates.

It takes your body longer to digest protein, so you will fill fuller for a longer period of time by eating more foods rich in protein (this should help you eat fewer calories during the day).

Protein is also used by your body to repair and rebuild damaged tissues as a result of a tough workout (especially weight training). Quickly digesting protein shakes work well after a workout.

Other daytime and nighttime meals could be comprised of slowly digesting protein (such as lean meats) that will give a constant release of amino acids into your system during the day and overnight.

How much protein do you need each day? The following is a good guide to follow:

Daily protein targets (grams per pound of body weight) are:

--Recreational exerciser, adult 0.5-0.8
--Competitive athlete, adult 0.8-1.0
--Growing teenage athlete 0.7-0.9
--Adult building muscle mass 0.8-1.0

Your body will excrete excess protein intake.

For example, if you weigh 140 pounds and want a high protein intake (1.0 gms/lb), you'll need 140 grams of protein per day.

So, when used right, protein will help you build a lean body and help your weight loss/fat loss efforts.

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