Sunday 31 July 2011

Everyone Should Train like an Athlete

All exercisers should follow the principles of training used by competitive athletes. You will gain far more health benefits from intense exercise than from more casual exercise, and you will gain more strength and muscle growth. Athletes do not do the same workouts every day. If they did, they would not gain the increased strength, speed and endurance that are necessary for competition. They take an intense workout in which they feel a deep burning in their muscles, feel sore on the next day, and take lighter workouts until the muscle soreness goes away. Then they take their next intense workout.

THE FIRST PRINCIPLE OF TRAINING - BACKGROUND BEFORE PEAKING: Never try to exercise at an intense pace when you start a new program. For example, if you are starting a stationary bicycle program, ride at a very slow pace every day until your muscles start to feel sore or tight and then stop. In the first six weeks, limit your workouts to no longer than a half hour. Only after you can exercise at a casual pace for 30 minutes every day should you try to increase the intensity of your workouts. You may also want to check with your doctor before you start exercising intensely. Intense exercise can kill people who have blocked arteries leading to their hearts, and many people do not know that they have this condition until it is too late. Even regular exercisers can suffer from blocked arteries and not know it.

INTENSE WORKOUTS: Athletes divide their intense workouts into periods of *sustained effort, *short intervals, *long intervals, and *combinations of these variations. If you are not competing in athletic events, you only need to do short intervals.

SHORT INTERVALS: A short interval takes less than 30 seconds because an athlete does not accumulate significant amounts of lactic acid in less than that time. Muscle burning is caused by increased acidity in the muscle caused by lactic acid accumulation.

An athlete can do a very large number of repeat short intervals, often 100 or more in a single workout. A top runner will run a large series of short runs up to 220 yards. Cyclists often use a clock. In short intervals, athletes get out of the burn soon after they feel it.

LONG INTERVALS; Long intervals usually last two minutes or more, and build up so much lactic acid in the bloodstream that a top athlete can only do a few of them in a workout. A runner may run four to eight half-mile repeats. Cyclists may push their intervals between lamp posts or use some other measure of fixed distance of all-out riding. Long intervals are done with such intensity that the athlete is short of breath and feels intense muscle burning during each interval.

INTENSE CONTINUOUS WORKOUTS: Cyclists often use sustained workouts as the basis of their training regimens. They pick up the pace and as soon as they start to feel the burning in their muscles, they let up on the pressure, slow down, and the burning goes away. Almost immediately afterwards, they start to pick up the pace and again back off as soon as they feel the burning. Getting out of the burn as soon as it occurs allows a cyclist to take this type of intense workout for many hours.

INCREASED STRENGTH COMES FROM MUSCLE DAMAGE: The soreness that you feel usually 8 to 24 hours after an intense workout is called Delayed Onset Muscle Soreness (DOMS). DOMS is caused by muscle damage itself. Biopsies show bleeding into the muscles fibers, and disruption of the fibers and the Z- bands that hold the muscle filaments together as they slide by each other. If you don't suffer muscle damage, you do not gain significant muscle growth.

MUSCLE BURNING DURING INTENSE EXERCISE: Muscle burning during exercise means that you are applying enough force on your muscles to pull the fibers apart and damage them. However, the longer you stay in the burn, the longer it takes for the muscles to heal. Most athletes do some form of interval training that takes them out of the burn soon after their muscles start to burn.

The burning feeling in muscles that is transmitted back to your brain is actually caused by the increased acidity brought on by a buildup of lactic acid in muscles. Muscle damage is caused by the pressure on the muscles from hitting the ground with your foot during running, or pressing very hard on your pedals, and has nothing to do with excessive buildup of lactic acid. It is caused by excessive force on muscles during intense exercise. Lactic acid starts being cleared from muscles within seconds of stopping exercise. Furthermore, lactic acid is the most efficient muscle fuel, since it requires less oxygen than any other source of energy.

Athletes exercise intensely until they feel a deep burning in their muscles and then let up on the pressure. The burning usually goes away almost immediately. Then they pick up the pace to increase the pressure on their muscles to cause the burning to return. They stop the interval workout when their muscles start to stiffen and hurt.

ACTIVE RECOVERY, NOT PASSIVE: On the day after an intense workout, the athlete's muscles are supposed to feel sore. If he takes off completely, he may recover faster, but he will never reach his potential in competition. Active recovery, in which a person exercises at reduced intensity, makes the muscles more fibrous and resistant to damage during hard workouts. This allows the athlete to take more intense workouts on his hard days and makes him a better athlete. He can compete only as fast as he moves on his hard days.

A TRAINING PROGRAM FOR YOU: Set up your program so that you plan to exercise faster on three days a week, never on consecutive days. Plan to exercise at very low intensity on your four recovery days. For example Tuesdays, Thursdays, and Saturdays will be your faster days. The other four days are for recovery.

If you are a runner or cyclist, run a little faster on your hard days and much more slowly on your recovery days. If your muscles feel sore or tight on scheduled hard days, skip that hard workout and do a very easy workout or take the day off. Injuries come from taking a hard workout when your muscles are still sore or tight from a previous intense workout.

HARD DAYS: Start out very slowly and as your muscles feel more comfortable, gradually pick up the pace. When you start to feel the least burning, immediately slow down and remain in that slow pace until the burning is completely gone. Then gradually increase the intensity until you reach the burn again, and immediately slow down. Continue to alternate bursts of increased intensity with slow recoveries until your legs start to feel stiff or you stop recovering from the burn or tightness. Then quit for the day.

EASY DAYS: You are not supposed to feel discomfort or burning on recovery (easy) days. If a workout on a recovery day prevents you from taking your hard workout on the next day, you exercised too intensely or long on your recovery day. Go for as long as you feel good and quit for the day when you feel tightness or discomfort. If you feel stiff or hurt in one group of muscles on one side of your body, take the day off. Soreness in one part of your body is a sign that you are developing an injury.

PROGRAM PROGRESS: Try to increase the intensity of your hard days, and do not increase the intensity of your recovery days. If you avoid injuries, you will become stronger and healthier.

ADVANCED PROGRAMS FOR ATHLETES: Training programs should be based on two very fast interval days, one very fast, prolonged day, and four recovery days. For example, try short intervals on Tuesdays, long intervals on Thursdays and sustained hard workouts or races on Sundays. The other four days are supposed to be so easy that they do not interfere with your recoveries to limit your hard-intense days or worse, cause injuries. Remember, if you do not recover for your next intense workouts, your easy days are too long or too intense, and you should do less, more slowly on your recovery days.

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Speed Intervals Burn More Fat in Less Time

Do you really want to burn fat? Use speed intervals for cardio and you will see your body begin to sculpt faster. High intensity interval training (HIIT) is a proven fat burning cardio exercise.

Also, HIIT is the best way to burn fat (while saving muscle mass) in the shortest amount of time as well as increase VO2 Max. All that's needed is 10-20 minutes per session.

Here is an example of how speed intervals could work for you:

After a proper dynamic warmup (like jog progressively for 5 minutes), sprint for 60 yards and walk back to the starting line. The sprint has to be at maximum effort. Do this rotation for 10-20 minutes.

To continually challenge yourself, progress this cardio exercise to surfaces such as inclines, hills and stadium steps. Weighted resistance, such as vests, could also be used. Its just that simple! And that tough!

Other good speed interval cardio exercises are jumping rope, squat jumps, burpees, jumping jacks or mountain climbers. Do the intervals for 30 seconds and walk for 1 minute. Do this rotation for 10-20 minutes.

Try more speed interval cardio during your workouts and you will burn more fat!

Download your FREE 10-Minute Fat Burning Workouts now!

"Exercise is not my life.....exercise makes my life better!"

Check out my other great blogs:

Her Fitness Hut Blog Her Fitness Hut is featured on EmpowHER, a great health issues website for women! Her Fitness Hut has also been named in the Top 50 Personal Training Blogs by Physical Therapy Assistant Schools!

Sports Fitness Hut Blog has been recognized by Stanford University Wellsphere as the #1 Sports Fitness Blog and as one of the Best 100 Health and Nutrition Blogs for Athletes! The blog has also been named as one of the "50 Best Sports Medicine Blogs by Masters In Healthcare! It is an honor to be recognized by those in the health and academic fields! Afterall, health is number one for everybody---including athletes!

Saturday 30 July 2011

USA Monica Brant - Great Hot Female Bodybuilder

USA Monica Brant - Great Hot Female Bodybuilder. Click Older Post button (Given below this Post) to Download more Hottest Bodybuilders, Bodybuilder, Woman Body Builders, Women Bodybuilding, Bodybuilder girls, female bodybuilders, Black Giant Bodybuilders, Body Build wallpapers, woman Bodybuilders wallpapers, bodybuilders female, girl bodybuilder, girl bodybuilders, body builder, body builders, salman khan body, salman khan body builder, salman khan body building, salman khan body images, salman khan bodybuilder images, women bodybuilding, woman bodybuilding, women body building, smart female bodybuilder, woman body building, women bodybuilders, women bodybuilder, black body builder and many more.

Friday 29 July 2011

Cutest Hot Black Woman Bodybuilder - Muscular Thais

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Top 5 Muscle-Building Nutrition Tips

Build more muscle mass by eating pre- and post- workout nutrition. You have to eat enough of the right foods to rebuild your muscles bigger. Even if you gain weight, you will be leaner because muscle takes up less space than fat.

The rigors of weight training breaks down your body and you need proper nutrition and rest to rebuild your body bigger and better. Protein consumption, in particular, is critical if you want to build muscle (more discussion below on protein).

Here are my Top 5 Muscle-Building Nutrition Tips:

1. Pre-workout nutrition should mainly include carbohydrates and proteins. During intense training, your body depends on fuel from glycogen made from the carbohydrates that you eat. The body can't use fat for fuel during high intensity exercise because there is not enough oxygen available.

Consuming fruits, vegetables and smoothies 1-2 hours before a workout will build up your glycogen stores. When your glycogen stores are low, your performance will suffer.

Research has shown the effectiveness of pre-workout protein drinks (such as whey and casein). Your muscles get 2 times as much benefit from a pre-workout protein drink compared to having just a post-workout protein drink.

2. Post-workout nutrition is important to help your body recover from intense exercise. You don't need to eat immediately after your workout but there is a 45 minute to 1 hour window where replenishing your body's fuel (carbs, protein, fats) will optimize your tissue's repair and growth.

The post-exercise meal should consist of carbohydrates, protein and a small amount of essential fats. A drink, such as a smoothie, is good because it is quickly digestible. A ratio of 2g carbs/1g protein is what you need.

The carbs should be high glycemic, the proteins should be easily digestible (such as whey) and the fats should be from sources such as fish or flax oil.

Your body needs a minimum of 200 grams of carbs per day if you are a light exerciser. You will feel tired and listless without this amount of carbs.

3. Athletes in sports that require plyometrics, speed and weight training need about 2.5 grams of daily carbs per pound of body weight. A 180 pound athlete would need at least 450 grams of carbs each day to function properly.

Endurance athletes such as marathoners, swimmers, triathletes need high amounts of daily carbs. About 3.5 to 4.5 grams per pound of body weight is needed.

So, a 180 pound athlete would need 630 to 810 grams of carbs per day. These athletes sometimes use carbohydrate loading before events.

4. Protein provides the main building blocks for your muscles. Daily protein needs should be calculated according to body weight (not by percent of calories). Daily protein targets (grams per pound of body weight) are:

--Recreational exerciser, adult 0.5-0.75
--Competitive athlete, adult 0.6-0.9
--Growing teenage athlete 0.8-0.9
--Adult building muscle mass 0.7-0.9
--Maximum usable amount by adults 0.9 (your body will excrete excess protein)

For example, if you weigh 190 pounds and want a high protein intake (0.9 gms/lb), you'll need 171 grams of protein. Protein should be eaten at least every 3-4 hours (with every meal) to insure adequate supply during the day.

Your night meal should be comprised of slowly digesting protein (such as lean meats) that will give a constant release of amino acids into your system overnight.

5. Drink daily about a half an ounce of water for every pound of body weight (180 pound person would drink 90 ounces). Since your muscles are comprised of about 70% water, don't dehydrate yourself. During exercise, drink about a cup of water for every 15 minutes of exercise.

For exercise lasting more than one hour (or during games), a sports drink with carbohydrate and protein is needed.

Eat to build muscle and burn fat! Train hard and smart!

Subscribe to my FREE Fat Blaster eNewsletter and get FREE eBooks: "10 Must Know Fat Loss Tips," Free Fat Loss Meals and Free Fat Loss Workouts!

"Exercise is not my life.....exercise makes my life better!"

Check out my other great blogs:

Her Fitness Hut Blog Her Fitness Hut is featured on EmpowHER, a great health issues website for women! Her Fitness Hut has also been named in the Top 50 Personal Training Blogs by Physical Therapy Assistant Schools!

Sports Fitness Hut Blog has been recognized by Stanford University Wellsphere as the #1 Sports Fitness Blog and as one of the Best 100 Health and Nutrition Blogs for Athletes! The blog has also been named as one of the "50 Best Sports Medicine Blogs by Masters In Healthcare! It is an honor to be recognized by those in the health and academic fields! Afterall, health is number one for everybody---including athletes!

Thursday 28 July 2011

FH 06 Hollywood Female Bodybuilder

FH 06 Hollywood Female Bodybuilder. Click Older Post button (Given below this Post) to Download more Hottest Bodybuilders, Bodybuilder, Woman Body Builders, Women Bodybuilding, Bodybuilder girls, female bodybuilders, Black Giant Bodybuilders, Body Build wallpapers, woman Bodybuilders wallpapers, bodybuilders female, girl bodybuilder, girl bodybuilders, body builder, body builders, salman khan body, salman khan body builder, salman khan body building, salman khan body images, salman khan bodybuilder images, women bodybuilding, woman bodybuilding, women body building, smart female bodybuilder, woman body building, women bodybuilders, women bodybuilder, black body builder and many more.

Wednesday 27 July 2011

Top 5 Fat Burning Speed Exercises

Speed exercises help you change up your workout intensity with short bursts to burn fat faster. The more intense your workout, the more fat you will burn. Quality workouts are the key to fat loss and weight loss success.

Break through your fat loss and weight loss plateau by changing up your workouts with short bursts. If you have been doing the same workout for months or even years, your progress has probably stalled.

Research at Duke University, directed by Dr. Cris Slentz, supports high-intensity exercise for better fat loss. The eight-month study showed that people could lose weight with exercise and no dieting. Those who exercised intensely (especially using interval training) lost much more fat than those who exercised moderately.

According to the research, the high-intensity exercisers had these advantages over the low-to-moderate intensity exercisers:

--more release of fat from cells
--more fat used as fuel during exercise
--increased metabolic rate after exercise

Improve your fat loss success with my Top 5 Fat Burning Speed Exercises::

1. Speed shuttles will melt the fat off your body! Shuttles are very tough to do but are well worth the time. Ten to 20 minute shuttle workouts are all that it takes to burn calories and fat. Sprint intervals (flat ground or incline) work similar to shuttles.

2. Jump rope (one foot, two feet, slalom, shuffle, backpedal) exercises will burn fat and improve your balance and coordination.

3. Speed ladder drills are very intense exercises and a good change of pace from your regular routine.

4. Shuffles, back pedals, crossovers, form running and toe taps can be used as warmup exercises and full speed exercises during your workout.

5. Hip turn and hip flexibility drills are very challenging. They are also good warmup exercises and full speed workout exercises.

Work hard and have more fat burning success!

Download your FREE 10-Minute Fat Burning Workouts now!

"Exercise is not my life.....exercise makes my life better!"

Check out my other great blogs:

Her Fitness Hut Blog Her Fitness Hut is featured on EmpowHER, a great health issues website for women! Her Fitness Hut has also been named in the Top 50 Personal Training Blogs by Physical Therapy Assistant Schools!

Sports Fitness Hut Blog has been recognized by Stanford University Wellsphere as the #1 Sports Fitness Blog and as one of the Best 100 Health and Nutrition Blogs for Athletes! The blog has also been named as one of the "50 Best Sports Medicine Blogs by Masters In Healthcare! It is an honor to be recognized by those in the health and academic fields! Afterall, health is number one for everybody---including athletes!

Woman Bodybuilder - Making Biceps in a Gym

Woman Bodybuilder - Making Biceps in a Gym. Click Older Post button (Given below this Post) to Download more Hottest Bodybuilders, Bodybuilder, Woman Body Builders, Women Bodybuilding, Bodybuilder girls, female bodybuilders, Black Giant Bodybuilders, Body Build wallpapers, woman Bodybuilders wallpapers, bodybuilders female, girl bodybuilder, girl bodybuilders, body builder, body builders, salman khan body, salman khan body builder, salman khan body building, salman khan body images, salman khan bodybuilder images, women bodybuilding, woman bodybuilding, women body building, smart female bodybuilder, woman body building, women bodybuilders, women bodybuilder, black body builder and many more.

Tuesday 26 July 2011

Woman Body Builder in Red Bra - Showing Biceps

Woman Body Builder in Red Bra - Showing Biceps. Click Older Post button (Given below this Post) to Download more Hottest Bodybuilders, Bodybuilder, Woman Body Builders, Women Bodybuilding, Bodybuilder girls, female bodybuilders, Black Giant Bodybuilders, Body Build wallpapers, woman Bodybuilders wallpapers, bodybuilders female, girl bodybuilder, girl bodybuilders, body builder, body builders, salman khan body, salman khan body builder, salman khan body building, salman khan body images, salman khan bodybuilder images, women bodybuilding, woman bodybuilding, women body building, smart female bodybuilder, woman body building, women bodybuilders, women bodybuilder, black body builder and many more.

Monday 25 July 2011

Top 10 Tips to Lose Weight Injury Free

It is possible for you to lose weight relatively injury free. But, you can also wreck your body with injuries while training to lose weight. You won't hear this information in a weight loss commercial because they're selling you a product.

So, here are my Top 10 Tips to Lose Weight Injury Free:

1. Warmup properly and do exercises with correct technique. This is crucial every workout! Walking for 2 minutes or talking to your friend is not a good warm-up.

A good dynamic warm-up prepares your body best for intense workouts. A sample dynamic warm-up could be a 5-10 minute jog, prisoner squats, lunges, etc. Static stretches would be done after your workout.

2. Don't underestimate the benefits of sports massages. The benefits include improved flexibility, tension release, relieving of swelling, alleviation of fatigue and prevention of injuries.

Along the same lines, self myofascial release with foam rolls (SMFR) is a type of self massage that you can do every day and prevent various muscle injuries, strains and tears.

3. Protect your feet. Its amazing how many injuries can be avoided by wearing quality footwear (interpreted: don't wear cheap athletic shoes). If you have flat feet or high arches you definitely need the right footwear and/or inserts.

4. Avoid various tendon, ligament and muscle injuries (pain, swelling) caused by over-training and wear and tear. Rest and recovery is important. R.I.C.E.R. (REST, ICE, COMPRESSION, ELEVATION, REFERRAL FOR MEDICAL ASSISTANCE) should be followed immediately after a muscle or tendon injury.

5. Lessen the risk of a knee anterior cruciate ligament (ACL) injury. It is the most common injury affecting the knee joint.

Do this by having adequate hamstring strength and practicing proper landing, jumping, stopping and cutting techniques.

6. Strengthen and stretch your shoulder muscles to avoid rotator cuff, shoulder and elbow injuries.

7. Strengthen and stabilize your core to prevent injuries such as low back pain, oblique strains/pulls, neck pain, ruptured disks and various other muscle and ligament strains.

8. Avoid shin splints by not over-training and wearing quality footwear.

Also, exercising on hard or uneven surfaces or excessive uphill or downhill running can cause shin splints. If you over-pronate (foot and ankle rolls excessively inward when running), you are at risk for shin splints.

9. Lessen the risk of a torn or injured Achilles tendon (the largest tendon in the body). It takes a full year to recover from a torn Achilles tendon. Stretch and stabilize the tendon with one-legged exercises, calf/peroneal stretches and Achilles tendon stretch.

10. You don't want Plantar Fasciitis (the long, flat ligament on the bottom of your foot stretches too much, small tears develop and the ligament inflames (ouch!!)!

Plantar Fasciitis usually develops over time so take steps to correct the problem when it first occurs by keeping your foot and ankle area flexible. And, take time to recover from heel and foot pain. Also, don't wear (you guessed it!) cheap running shoes! Excessive running on steep hills or inclines can also cause Plantar Fasciitis.

Don't wreck your body with injuries trying to lose weight!

Train hard and smart!

Download your FREE 10-Minute Fat Burning Workouts now!

"Exercise is not my life.....exercise makes my life better!"

Check out my other great blogs:

Her Fitness Hut Blog Her Fitness Hut is featured on EmpowHER, a great health issues website for women! Her Fitness Hut has also been named in the Top 50 Personal Training Blogs by Physical Therapy Assistant Schools!

Sports Fitness Hut Blog has been recognized by Stanford University Wellsphere as the #1 Sports Fitness Blog and as one of the Best 100 Health and Nutrition Blogs for Athletes! The blog has also been named as one of the "50 Best Sports Medicine Blogs by Masters In Healthcare! It is an honor to be recognized by those in the health and academic fields! Afterall, health is number one for everybody---including athletes!

Girl Practicing with Rod - Chest and Arms Best Exercise

Girl Practicing with Rod - Chest and Arms Best Exercise. Click Older Post button (Given below this Post) to Download more Hottest Bodybuilders, Bodybuilder, Woman Body Builders, Women Bodybuilding, Bodybuilder girls, female bodybuilders, Black Giant Bodybuilders, Body Build wallpapers, woman Bodybuilders wallpapers, bodybuilders female, girl bodybuilder, girl bodybuilders, body builder, body builders, salman khan body, salman khan body builder, salman khan body building, salman khan body images, salman khan bodybuilder images, women bodybuilding, woman bodybuilding, women body building, smart female bodybuilder, woman body building, women bodybuilders, women bodybuilder, black body builder and many more.

Sunday 24 July 2011

Great Huge Arms - American Bodybuilding Girl

Great Huge Arms - American Bodybuilding Girl. Click Older Post button (Given below this Post) to Download more Hottest Bodybuilders, Bodybuilder, Woman Body Builders, Women Bodybuilding, Bodybuilder girls, female bodybuilders, Black Giant Bodybuilders, Body Build wallpapers, woman Bodybuilders wallpapers, bodybuilders female, girl bodybuilder, girl bodybuilders, body builder, body builders, salman khan body, salman khan body builder, salman khan body building, salman khan body images, salman khan bodybuilder images, women bodybuilding, woman bodybuilding, women body building, smart female bodybuilder, woman body building, women bodybuilders, women bodybuilder, black body builder and many more.

Saturday 23 July 2011

Successful Fat Loss and Weight Control

You want fat loss with weight loss right? Tired of hearing about the weekly new weight loss programs for sale? Me too. Want some fat loss strategies that will work today, tomorrow and 10 years from now? Read on.......

Here are 4 Steps you can take to be successful with fat loss and weight control:

1. Shorten your weight training workouts to 50 minutes or less and ramp up the intensity! In other words, work harder for a shorter period of time and you'll get more fat burn and calorie burn during and after your workout!

Do as many compound strength exercises (with weights or bodyweight) standing up as possible. These types of exercises work major muscle groups and many times are full-body strength exercises.

Squats, deadlift, lunges, standing bentover rows, squat-to curl-to press and bench press are great examples. Full-body core exercises like planks and side planks work well also. Spend less time posing on "mirror exercises" like bicep curls, calf raises and tricep extensions.

Here is a good fat-burning workout:

Do each exercise one after the other with little or no rest between exercises. Rest 2-3 minutes between circuits. Do the circuit 4 times.

--Bulgarian Split Squats, 10 repetitions each leg
--Plank, 12 repetitions, 10 second hold
--Pushups on Medicine Ball, 12 repetitions
--Step Ups with Knee Lift (knee high platform), 10 repetitions each leg
--Bentover dumbbell rows, 10 repetitions
--Clock Lunges, 5 repetitions each leg
--Standing dumbbell shoulder press, 10 repetitions
--Repeat circuit 3 more times.

This type of workout will torch body fat.

2. Shorten and intensify your cardio workout! Long, slow cardio sessions wastes time and eats away at your muscle mass. Short, intense cardio sessions also burn more fat and calories during and after your workout!

I'm talking about interval cardio sessions that are 20 minutes or less!

Here is an interval cardio session that I often do (or something similar):

--Jump rope, fast, 1 minute
--Walk 1 minute
--Mountain climbers, fast, 30 seconds
--Walk 30 seconds
--Jumping Jacks, fast, 1 minute
--Walk 1 minute
--Run-In-Place, fast, 30 seconds
--Walk 30 seconds
--Bodyweight Jump Squats, fast, 15 seconds
--Walk 1 minute

Repeat this circuit 2 more times.

If you don't like these types of exercises, then pick exercises that you like. I know that jump squats won't work for those with knee or back problems. As long as you change it up and keep it interesting, you will will make progress.

3. Make needed changes to your eating habits and reach your fat loss and weight loss goals faster!

Don't ruin great workouts by eating bad food with a million calories! Its possible to hide those hard-earned muscles with a thick layer(s) of fat! Don't fight against yourself!

We eat "too large" servings of food and that's without even "super-sizing" anything! Keep your daily food journal to track what, how much and why you are eating! This will help you with portion control.

It will be easier to keep your commitment if you plan your meals for the week. And, instead of eating out during the day, pack your food. This will protect you from binge eating and haphazard eating (i.e. grazing).

Here are some common sense do's and don'ts when it comes to eating:

Cut out these type foods: sodas, sugary fruit juice drinks, candy, cookies, donuts, fried meats and fried foods, fast foods, ketchup, mayonnaise

Add these type foods: whole grain breads, whole grain cereals, oatmeal, almonds, nuts, low-fat dairy products, low-fat yogurt, fruits, veggies, unsweetened tea, water, lean meats (baked, broiled or grilled), olive oil, cinnamon, mustard. You get the idea!

4. Shorten and intensify your workouts with jump training (plyometrics)!

If you're having trouble sculpting your butt, hips and thighs then you need to do more plyometric training.

Plyometric workouts are advanced workouts. You need to perfect jumping and landing techniques or you will injure yourself. And, if you have knee and low back problems, high-speed plyometric training is not for you.

Try this jump training workout (take little or no rest between exercises):

--jump rope, two feet, full speed, 1 minute
--squat jumps, 10, full speed
--lunge jumps, 10, full speed
--depth jumps (off knee-high platform), 10
--tuck jumps, 10, full speed
--jumping jacks, 30 seconds, full speed

Rest 1 minute between circuits. Repeat the circuit 2 more times--20 minutes total workout time. Take more rest between exercises or circuits if needed.

Have fun burning fat and keeping the weight off!

Subscribe to my FREE Fat Blaster eNewsletter and get FREE eBooks: "10 Must Know Fat Loss Tips," Free Fat Loss Meals and Free Fat Loss Workouts!

"Exercise is not my life.....exercise makes my life better!"

Check out my other great blogs:

Her Fitness Hut Blog Her Fitness Hut is featured on EmpowHER, a great health issues website for women! Her Fitness Hut has also been named in the Top 50 Personal Training Blogs by Physical Therapy Assistant Schools!

Sports Fitness Hut Blog has been recognized by Stanford University Wellsphere as the #1 Sports Fitness Blog and as one of the Best 100 Health and Nutrition Blogs for Athletes! The blog has also been named as one of the "50 Best Sports Medicine Blogs by Masters In Healthcare! It is an honor to be recognized by those in the health and academic fields! Afterall, health is number one for everybody---including athletes!

Muscle Cramps in Athletes and Exercisers

This month a study from the University of Cape Town, South Africa showed that the athlete who is most likely to suffer muscle cramps is the one who runs the fastest and the one who has had previous muscle cramps (British Journal of Sports Medicine, June 2011). Of 210 triathletes competing in an Ironman triathlon, 43 developed severe muscle cramps, while 166 did not. There were no significant differences between groups in any pre-race or post- race blood mineral levels or body weight changes (a measure of dehydration). This supports many other studies that show that the most likely cause of muscle cramps in conditioned athletes is muscle damage. The most likely causes of muscle cramps in out-of-shape exercisers are lack of salt or water (1).

Cramps in athletes occur most commonly during intense exercise. Cramps occur far less often during less-intense training, because the most common cause of muscle cramps in exercisers is muscle damage from all-out pressure on the muscles.

Muscle damage: Most muscle cramps in serious exercisers and athletes are caused by an exaggerated "stretch reflex" triggered by muscle damage. When you stretch a muscle, it pulls on its tendon. Stretch reflex nerves in that tendon send a message back to the spinal cord (not the brain), and then the "stretch reflex" in the spinal cord sends a message along nerves from the spine to cause the muscle to contract. During extreme pressure on the muscles, muscles are damaged causing sustained contractions. A study from South Africa showed that the most likely causes of cramps are muscle fatigue or tearing of the muscle itself (2). Electromyograph (EMG) studies measure increased electrical activity from damaged muscles. EMGs show markedly elevated electrical activity of the nerves controlling cramped muscles. Furthermore, a review of the scientific literature shows the most common cause of muscle cramps appears to be muscle damage (3).

Warning signs: Before athletic cramps come on full force, you will usually feel the muscle pulling and tightening. If you slow down, the pulling lessens, but if you continue to push the pace, the muscle goes into a sustained cramp and you have to stop exercising to work the cramp out. Further evidence that muscle damage is the cause of the cramp is that the muscle often hurts for hours or days afterwards.

When a cramp strikes: Muscle cramps during endurance events can be prevented by slowing down when you feel excessive soreness in one muscle group or straining in a muscle. You do this by switching pressure from the cramped leg to the uncramped one. A bicycle racer moves most of his pressure to the pedal of the uncramped leg. A runner shortens the stride of the cramped leg. Continuing to put pressure on the cramped muscle can rupture the muscle.

Prevention: You may be able to prevent cramps by exercising more frequently but less intensely and for shorter periods of time, but most racers do not want to do this.

Other causes in non-athletes: Known medical causes of muscle cramps are extremely rare. If you suffer from recurrent muscle cramps, you may need special tests for pinched nerves, Parkinson's disease, low thyroid, diabetes, narrowed arteries from arteriosclerosis, low blood mineral levels, metabolic diseases that cause muscle damage, or side effects of drugs used for high cholesterol, high blood pressure or diabetes, diuretics, oral contraceptives or alcohol (4).

Dehydration or lack of minerals is less common. Some cramps are caused by low mineral or fluid levels (5). However, for the vast majority of trained athletes who suffer exercise- associated muscle cramps, blood levels of sodium, potassium, calcium and magnesium are normal. Research in athletes after they ran in 52-mile races showed that the runners who suffered cramps had the same level of dehydration and blood minerals as those who did not get muscle cramps.

Athletes should take extra salt anyway. Athletes need more salt than people who do not exercise. They lose a lot of salt through sweat. The most common mineral cause of muscle cramps in untrained people who exercise is lack of salt, according to a report from the University of Oklahoma (6). The authors found that intravenous saline can reverse cramping in exercisers, and that more salt in the diet or in sports drinks can help to prevent heat- associated cramping.

If you are concerned about excess salt raising your blood pressure, get a wrist cuff monitor and check your blood pressure every night before you go to bed. If your blood pressure rises above 120, you may need to restrict salt. (Excess salt can raise systolic blood pressure. Excess body fat, not salt, raises diastolic pressure.

Treatments that usually do not work: Nobody has shown consistent benefit for trained athletes from any of the most common treatments: multivitamin pills; mineral pills with calcium, zinc, magnesium, salt and/or potassium; massage or chiropractic manipulation; drinking large amounts of water; dietary manipulations; or bio-mechanical stretching and strengthening.

Medications: Quinine has been reported to help relieve muscle cramps in non athletes, but it can burst red blood cells. Some studies show that gabapentin (an anticonvulsant), diltiazem ( a blood pressure medication), or B-complex vitamins may help to relieve muscle cramps in some people (7).

Sugar: There is some evidence that taking sugared drinks or foods during prolonged exercise helps to maintain endurance and muscle integrity which helps to prevent cramps. Take a source of sugar frequently during vigorous workouts or races, and back off if you feel a group of muscles pulling or tightening during exercise.

Lack of vitamin D: A leading cause of muscle damage, soreness and slow-healing injuries in athletes is lack of vitamin D. If you suffer frequent cramping and your muscles feel sore or you keep on being injured when you exercise, get a blood test called D3. If it is below 75 nmol/L, your problems may be caused by lack of vitamin D and be cured by getting some sunshine or taking at least 2000 IU each day of the very inexpensive vitamin D3.

Occasional cramps are not harmful. Most racers and serious exercisers accept that occasional cramps will occur, and rarely cause serious injuries.

1. Sports Medicine, April-May 2007
2. Medicine & Science in Sports & Exercise, July 2005
3. Journal of the American Academy of Orthopaedic Surgeons, July 2007
4. Neurology 2010; 74: 691-96
5. The Japanese Journal of Clinical Pathology, November 2007
6. Sports Medicine, April-May 2007
7. Journal of Clinical Pharmacology, 1998;38:1151

Dawn Allison European Female Bodybuilder

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Friday 22 July 2011

New Female Bodybuilder - Checking Biceps in Gym

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Thursday 21 July 2011

Huge Bodybuilder Arms are hidden in Rod Practice

Huge Bodybuilder Arms are hidden in Rod Practice. Click Older Post button (Given below this Post) to Download more Hottest Bodybuilders, Bodybuilder, Woman Body Builders, Women Bodybuilding, Bodybuilder girls, female bodybuilders, Black Giant Bodybuilders, Body Build wallpapers, woman Bodybuilders wallpapers, bodybuilders female, girl bodybuilder, girl bodybuilders, body builder, body builders, salman khan body, salman khan body builder, salman khan body building, salman khan body images, salman khan bodybuilder images, women bodybuilding, woman bodybuilding, women body building, smart female bodybuilder, woman body building, women bodybuilders, women bodybuilder, black body builder and many more.

Wednesday 20 July 2011

How to Prevent Exercise Injuries

The best way to prevent exercise injuries is to prepare your body for training. Or, don't just jump into training "out of shape."

"Training to train" or preconditioning will prevent or minimize exercise injuries. Muscle areas such as the hamstrings need preconditioning because the hamstrings are prone to injury. Preconditioning can be done all year to supplement your main training program.

Here are 3 key ways to prevent exercise injuries:

1. Eccentric contraction training (force reduction) of your muscles can significantly reduce your injury risks.

These exercises help build eccentric contraction strength:

--Running downhill.

--Depth jumps (emphasize the landing and hold only).

--Eccentric muscle contraction weight training (i.e., the lowering phase of a lift). For example, you would lift the weight on a hamstring curl for one count and lower the weight for 3-4 counts.

Injury risks like torn anterior cruciate knee ligaments, achilles tendon strains/tears and hamstring pulls can be lessened with proper training.

2. Improve your muscular balance. For example, your quadricep muscles should not be significantly stronger than your hamstring muscles. Your frontside should not be significantly stronger than your backside. And, your left side should not be significantly stronger than your right side.

When you are strength training, keep this important principle in mind. Get your muscles balanced early in the training progressions. One-legged and one-armed exercises help you to achieve and maintain muscular balance.

3. Improve your flexibility and range of motion. Do strength exercises (including core) with a full range of motion unless you are in rehabilitation. Rehab exercises are done to restore your full range of motion.

It is a misconception that strength training makes your body's muscles "tight and inflexible." This won't happen if you consistently improve your joints' range of motion (dynamic flexibility) and perform exercises with full range of motion. You CAN be strong and flexible!

Work hard and safely!

Download your FREE 10-Minute Fat Burning Workouts now!

"Exercise is not my life.....exercise makes my life better!"

Check out my other great blogs:

Her Fitness Hut Blog Her Fitness Hut is featured on EmpowHER, a great health issues website for women! Her Fitness Hut has also been named in the Top 50 Personal Training Blogs by Physical Therapy Assistant Schools!

Sports Fitness Hut Blog has been recognized by Stanford University Wellsphere as the #1 Sports Fitness Blog and as one of the Best 100 Health and Nutrition Blogs for Athletes! The blog has also been named as one of the "50 Best Sports Medicine Blogs by Masters In Healthcare! It is an honor to be recognized by those in the health and academic fields! Afterall, health is number one for everybody---including athletes!

Blonde Woman Bodybuilder - Gaining Power in Gym

Blonde Woman Bodybuilder - Gaining Power in Gym. Click Older Post button (Given below this Post) to Download more Hottest Bodybuilders, Bodybuilder, Woman Body Builders, Women Bodybuilding, Bodybuilder girls, female bodybuilders, Black Giant Bodybuilders, Body Build wallpapers, woman Bodybuilders wallpapers, bodybuilders female, girl bodybuilder, girl bodybuilders, body builder, body builders, salman khan body, salman khan body builder, salman khan body building, salman khan body images, salman khan bodybuilder images, women bodybuilding, woman bodybuilding, women body building, smart female bodybuilder, woman body building, women bodybuilders, women bodybuilder, black body builder and many more.

Tuesday 19 July 2011

10 Minute Workouts Will Build Muscle

The way to build muscle using my free 10-minute fat burning workouts?

1. Use the heavy lifting workout at least 2 times a week. Two or three separate 10-minute heavy lifting workouts on the same day would give you even more muscle building benefits. You would use the light lifting workout for a third weight training workout.

2. Do the bodyweight cardio workout at least 2 times a week. The third cardio workout would be sprint intervals. You will activate and shape your bulkier, fast twitch muscle fibers (think butt, hips, thighs, etc.) by doing sprint intervals.

Transform your body's composition to more muscle and less fat to keep weight loss off for good. That's easier said than done but you must keep fat loss as your main goal when trying to lose weight.

Increase your muscle mass to permanently speed up your metabolism. Muscle is metabolically active tissue and your body has to work harder to maintain muscle. You need to build a lean body that will give you good health and one that will last through the years of your life.

Fortunately, muscle mass can be maintained/increased (and body fat decreased) throughout your life through weight training and cardio exercise. Weight training also helps to keep your bones strong (preventing osteoporosis).

Download your FREE 10-Minute Fat Burning Workouts now!

"Exercise is not my life.....exercise makes my life better!"

Check out my other great blogs:

Her Fitness Hut Blog Her Fitness Hut is featured on EmpowHER, a great health issues website for women! Her Fitness Hut has also been named in the Top 50 Personal Training Blogs by Physical Therapy Assistant Schools!

Sports Fitness Hut Blog has been recognized by Stanford University Wellsphere as the #1 Sports Fitness Blog and as one of the Best 100 Health and Nutrition Blogs for Athletes! The blog has also been named as one of the "50 Best Sports Medicine Blogs by Masters In Healthcare! It is an honor to be recognized by those in the health and academic fields! Afterall, health is number one for everybody---including athletes!

Perfect Hot Arms - Bodybuilder Blond Girl

Perfect Hot Arms - Bodybuilder Blond Girl. Click Older Post button (Given below this Post) to Download more Hottest Bodybuilders, Bodybuilder, Woman Body Builders, Women Bodybuilding, Bodybuilder girls, female bodybuilders, Black Giant Bodybuilders, Body Build wallpapers, woman Bodybuilders wallpapers, bodybuilders female, girl bodybuilder, girl bodybuilders, body builder, body builders, salman khan body, salman khan body builder, salman khan body building, salman khan body images, salman khan bodybuilder images, women bodybuilding, woman bodybuilding, women body building, smart female bodybuilder, woman body building, women bodybuilders, women bodybuilder, black body builder and many more.

Monday 18 July 2011

Women Bodybuilders in a Competition

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Sunday 17 July 2011

Awsome Biceps of a Russian Woman Bodybuilder

Awsome Biceps of a Russian Woman Bodybuilder. Click Older Post button (Given below this Post) to Download more Hottest Bodybuilders, Bodybuilder, Woman Body Builders, Women Bodybuilding, Bodybuilder girls, female bodybuilders, Black Giant Bodybuilders, Body Build wallpapers, woman Bodybuilders wallpapers, bodybuilders female, girl bodybuilder, girl bodybuilders, body builder, body builders, salman khan body, salman khan body builder, salman khan body building, salman khan body images, salman khan bodybuilder images, women bodybuilding, woman bodybuilding, women body building, smart female bodybuilder, woman body building, women bodybuilders, women bodybuilder, black body builder and many more.

Saturday 16 July 2011

My 10-Minute Interval Cardio Workout Today

Yes, I do 10-minute workouts often. They work to burn fat and keep boredom away (especially with cardio). When I do 10-minute workouts, I will usually do 3 of the workouts with at least 5 minutes rest between sessions.

Today, I did 30 total minutes of running interval cardio on the treadmill. I recommend, and usually do, 20 minutes of intervals. On some days, I will do 20 minutes, rest 10 minutes, and do another 20 minutes. I have also done 20 minutes in the morning and another 20 minutes at night.

Research proves that two 10-minute workouts will burn more fat and calories than one 20-minute workout. Doing a second workout during the day keeps growth hormone levels high throughout the day.

Here is how I did my three 10-minute cardio workouts on treadmill:

--Run fast, 1 minute
--Walk, 1.5 minutes
--Do this rotation for 10 minutes
--Rest 5 minutes
--Do 10-minute workout again
--Rest 5 minutes
--Do 10-minute workout again

This is how I run intervals outdoors on grass or astro-play turf (I can usually only do two 10-minute sessions or one 20-minute session):

--Sprint 60 yards
--Walk back to starting line
--Sprint 60 yards
--Do this rotation for 10 minutes
--Rest 10 minutes
--Do the 10-minute sprint workout again

Running outdoors is much tougher because you do all the work and you have to go against wind and generate your own momentum. My preference is to exercise outdoors. Run hard, run safe.

Download your FREE 10-Minute Fat Burning Workouts now!

"Exercise is not my life.....exercise makes my life better!"

Check out my other great blogs:

Her Fitness Hut Blog Her Fitness Hut is featured on EmpowHER, a great health issues website for women! Her Fitness Hut has also been named in the Top 50 Personal Training Blogs by Physical Therapy Assistant Schools!

Sports Fitness Hut Blog has been recognized by Stanford University Wellsphere as the #1 Sports Fitness Blog and as one of the Best 100 Health and Nutrition Blogs for Athletes! The blog has also been named as one of the "50 Best Sports Medicine Blogs by Masters In Healthcare! It is an honor to be recognized by those in the health and academic fields! Afterall, health is number one for everybody---including athletes!

Woman Bodybuilders Arms and Abs

Woman Bodybuilders Arms and Abs. Click Older Post button (Given below this Post) to Download more Hottest Bodybuilders, Bodybuilder, Woman Body Builders, Women Bodybuilding, Bodybuilder girls, female bodybuilders, Black Giant Bodybuilders, Body Build wallpapers, woman Bodybuilders wallpapers, bodybuilders female, girl bodybuilder, girl bodybuilders, body builder, body builders, salman khan body, salman khan body builder, salman khan body building, salman khan body images, salman khan bodybuilder images, women bodybuilding, woman bodybuilding, women body building, smart female bodybuilder, woman body building, women bodybuilders, women bodybuilder, black body builder and many more.

Friday 15 July 2011

In a Weight Loss Rut? Use 10 Minute Workouts!

Get off the couch and out of your weight loss rut! Start with my FREE 10-minute fat burning workouts. If you have been holding back because of past weight loss failures, get started again. I know you have 10 minutes in your day, right?

Whatever the reason, start your weight loss and fat loss again and don't stop. You CAN have that lean and toned body you want. But, you have to be willing to follow expert guidance. Be willing to try new things that you might not think will work. You can get a great workout in 10 minutes!

This is not some quick weight loss idea. These are tough workouts that will start changing your body. And you won't use fad diets and starvation tactics to only lose weight. You will get solid nutritional advice designed to help you develop good eating habits for a lifetime.

Actually, fad diets will place you further away from your weight loss goals as you yo-yo back and forth with lost weight and even more weight gain! A "quick weight loss only goal" is a short-term fix for your weight problem and will not ultimately help you attain your goals!

Set your mind to have a long-term vision about burning fat, losing weight and transforming your body. Afterall, you want long-term health and fitness, right? Get started already!

Download your FREE 10-Minute Fat Burning Workouts now!

"Exercise is not my life.....exercise makes my life better!"

Check out my other great blogs:

Her Fitness Hut Blog Her Fitness Hut is featured on EmpowHER, a great health issues website for women! Her Fitness Hut has also been named in the Top 50 Personal Training Blogs by Physical Therapy Assistant Schools!

Sports Fitness Hut Blog has been recognized by Stanford University Wellsphere as the #1 Sports Fitness Blog and as one of the Best 100 Health and Nutrition Blogs for Athletes! The blog has also been named as one of the "50 Best Sports Medicine Blogs by Masters In Healthcare! It is an honor to be recognized by those in the health and academic fields! Afterall, health is number one for everybody---including athletes!

Hot Girl Bodybuilding Pose

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Thursday 14 July 2011

Hot Female Bodybuilder - Posing at Beach

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Wednesday 13 July 2011

10-Minute Workouts On-the-Go

Are you "on-the-go" this week? Take my free 10-Minute Fat Burning Workout with you and stay on track. Pack up your gym bag, dumbbells, medicine ball, swiss ball and be ready to exercise when you get a chance. Here are some more tips:

1. Working out at your office, at the park, at the lake or neighborhood obstacle trail are all good places to fit in one or two 10-minute workouts.

2. You could do two 10-minute workouts during your kid's team practice. Why sit around for 1-2 hours watching kids practice? Take advantage of the dead time and do your own workout.

3. Skip your afternoon frappuccino during work break and do a 10-minute workout.

4. You fill in the blank of when to fit in a 10-minute workout. Afterall, its up to you.

One reason to "exercise on-the-go" is that it takes away the "excuses" at the end of the day, "I'm too tired to workout" or "I don't have time to workout." The truth is that you have plenty of time during the day to get in your exercise!

Get in your workout today!

Download your FREE 10-Minute Fat Burning Workouts now!

"Exercise is not my life.....exercise makes my life better!"

Check out my other great blogs:

Her Fitness Hut Blog Her Fitness Hut is featured on EmpowHER, a great health issues website for women! Her Fitness Hut has also been named in the Top 50 Personal Training Blogs by Physical Therapy Assistant Schools!

Sports Fitness Hut Blog has been recognized by Stanford University Wellsphere as the #1 Sports Fitness Blog and as one of the Best 100 Health and Nutrition Blogs for Athletes! The blog has also been named as one of the "50 Best Sports Medicine Blogs by Masters In Healthcare! It is an honor to be recognized by those in the health and academic fields! Afterall, health is number one for everybody---including athletes!

Healthy Bodybuilder Girl - Showing Huge Arms

Healthy Bodybuilder Girl - Showing Huge Arms. Click Older Post button (Given below this Post) to Download more Hottest Bodybuilders, Bodybuilder, Woman Body Builders, Women Bodybuilding, Bodybuilder girls, female bodybuilders, Black Giant Bodybuilders, Body Build wallpapers, woman Bodybuilders wallpapers, bodybuilders female, girl bodybuilder, girl bodybuilders, body builder, body builders, salman khan body, salman khan body builder, salman khan body building, salman khan body images, salman khan bodybuilder images, women bodybuilding, woman bodybuilding, women body building, smart female bodybuilder, woman body building, women bodybuilders, women bodybuilder, black body builder and many more.

Tuesday 12 July 2011

Extreme Hot Female Bodybuilder - Back Pose

Extreme Hot Female Bodybuilder - Back Pose. Click Older Post button (Given below this Post) to Download more Hottest Bodybuilders, Bodybuilder, Woman Body Builders, Women Bodybuilding, Bodybuilder girls, female bodybuilders, Black Giant Bodybuilders, Body Build wallpapers, woman Bodybuilders wallpapers, bodybuilders female, girl bodybuilder, girl bodybuilders, body builder, body builders, salman khan body, salman khan body builder, salman khan body building, salman khan body images, salman khan bodybuilder images, women bodybuilding, woman bodybuilding, women body building, smart female bodybuilder, woman body building, women bodybuilders, women bodybuilder, black body builder and many more.

Monday 11 July 2011

Short Bursts Burn Fat Faster

Vary your workout intensity with short bursts to burn fat faster. The more intense your workout, the more fat you will burn. Stop spending 2-3 hours in the gym. Quality workouts are the key to fat loss and weight loss success.

Some of you can break through your fat loss and weight loss plateau by varying your workouts with short bursts. If you have been doing the same workout for months or even years, your progress has probably stalled.

Research at Duke University, directed by Dr. Cris Slentz, supports high-intensity exercise for better fat loss. The eight-month study showed that people could lose weight with exercise and no dieting. Those who exercised intensely (especially using interval training) lost much more fat than those who exercised moderately.

According to the research, the high-intensity exercisers had these advantages over the low-to-moderate intensity exercisers:

--more release of fat from cells
--more fat used as fuel during exercise
--increased metabolic rate after exercise

Here is a good tactic to use all the time: exercise at the location where you are currently. Fit in 10-20 minutes of exercise during "dead time." Ten minutes of exercise here and 10 minutes of exercise there works just fine. Two-a-day workouts will burn more calories and burn more fat than one workout.

Change up your workouts and burn more fat with my Free 10-minute workouts below!

Download your FREE 10-Minute Fat Burning Workouts now!

"Exercise is not my life.....exercise makes my life better!"

Check out my other great blogs:

Her Fitness Hut Blog Her Fitness Hut is featured on EmpowHER, a great health issues website for women! Her Fitness Hut has also been named in the Top 50 Personal Training Blogs by Physical Therapy Assistant Schools!

Sports Fitness Hut Blog has been recognized by Stanford University Wellsphere as the #1 Sports Fitness Blog and as one of the Best 100 Health and Nutrition Blogs for Athletes! The blog has also been named as one of the "50 Best Sports Medicine Blogs by Masters In Healthcare! It is an honor to be recognized by those in the health and academic fields! Afterall, health is number one for everybody---including athletes!

Pakistan Woman Bodybuilder - Great Chest and Arms

Pakistan Woman Bodybuilder - Great Chest and Arms. Click Older Post button (Given below this Post) to Download more Hottest Bodybuilders, Bodybuilder, Woman Body Builders, Women Bodybuilding, Bodybuilder girls, female bodybuilders, Black Giant Bodybuilders, Body Build wallpapers, woman Bodybuilders wallpapers, bodybuilders female, girl bodybuilder, girl bodybuilders, body builder, body builders, salman khan body, salman khan body builder, salman khan body building, salman khan body images, salman khan bodybuilder images, women bodybuilding, woman bodybuilding, women body building, smart female bodybuilder, woman body building, women bodybuilders, women bodybuilder, black body builder and many more.

Sunday 10 July 2011

Alicia St Germaine - Showing Muscular Biceps and Triceps

Alicia St Germaine - Showing Muscular Biceps and Triceps. Click Older Post button (Given below this Post) to Download more Hottest Bodybuilders, Bodybuilder, Woman Body Builders, Women Bodybuilding, Bodybuilder girls, female bodybuilders, Black Giant Bodybuilders, Body Build wallpapers, woman Bodybuilders wallpapers, bodybuilders female, girl bodybuilder, girl bodybuilders, body builder, body builders, salman khan body, salman khan body builder, salman khan body building, salman khan body images, salman khan bodybuilder images, women bodybuilding, woman bodybuilding, women body building, smart female bodybuilder, woman body building, women bodybuilders, women bodybuilder, black body builder and many more.

Saturday 9 July 2011

Burn Fat with 10-Minute Intense Workouts

Ten minute workouts? Yep. Burn more body fat by using more intense, effective workouts. Long, 2-hour workouts are a thing of the past. Shape your body better and faster in less time.

Got 10 minutes to workout? Sure you could even do two 10-minute workouts on any day and still have plenty of time left to get things done. So, "I don't have enough time to workout" is never a valid reason for gaining weight.

Some of you need to ramp up the intensity of your workouts. Talking to friends during workouts doesn't work. Get your workout in and talk later! If you have been doing the same workout for months and months, you need a change. Try a 10 minute workout.

Here's what you get with my Free 10-Minute Fat Burning Workouts:

1. Do my short, interval cardio and bodyweight cardio sessions instead of long cardio sessions. All it takes is 10 minutes of intervals on the treadmill, grass or stepmill. This method will burn more fat than doing 60-minute cardio sessions that wastes away your muscle mass.

2. Circuit strength training sessions are very effective fat-burners. You will do light and heavy lifting workouts to challenge your body.

3. There are jumping exercises to really burn the fat and tone your body, especially if done at full speed. Its important to learn proper jumping and landing techniques to avoid injuries.

4. Doing a second 10-minute workout during the day keeps growth hormone levels high throughout the day. This will give you even more fat burn.

So, you could do one 10-minute workout in the morning and another 10-minute workout in the afternoon.

Get started today with your 10-minute workout. If you have to start out slow, that's okay. Just get started!

Download your FREE 10-Minute Fat Burning Workouts now!

"Exercise is not my life.....exercise makes my life better!"

Check out my other great blogs:

Her Fitness Hut Blog Her Fitness Hut is featured on EmpowHER, a great health issues website for women! Her Fitness Hut has also been named in the Top 50 Personal Training Blogs by Physical Therapy Assistant Schools!

Sports Fitness Hut Blog has been recognized by Stanford University Wellsphere as the #1 Sports Fitness Blog and as one of the Best 100 Health and Nutrition Blogs for Athletes! The blog has also been named as one of the "50 Best Sports Medicine Blogs by Masters In Healthcare! It is an honor to be recognized by those in the health and academic fields! Afterall, health is number one for everybody---including athletes!

Huge Biceps of a Woman Bodybuilder

Huge Biceps of a Woman Bodybuilder. Click Older Post button (Given below this Post) to Download more Hottest Bodybuilders, Bodybuilder, Woman Body Builders, Women Bodybuilding, Bodybuilder girls, female bodybuilders, Black Giant Bodybuilders, Body Build wallpapers, woman Bodybuilders wallpapers, bodybuilders female, girl bodybuilder, girl bodybuilders, body builder, body builders, salman khan body, salman khan body builder, salman khan body building, salman khan body images, salman khan bodybuilder images, women bodybuilding, woman bodybuilding, women body building, smart female bodybuilder, woman body building, women bodybuilders, women bodybuilder, black body builder and many more.

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