Thursday 31 March 2011

Best Fat Loss Articles in March

Just in case you missed any of the fat loss articles this month, here are some of the highlights!

A Fat Loss Conversation

I overheard a fat loss conversation at the store today. It didn't surprise me how the conversation ended.

Burn Fat Quicker with Metabolic Workouts

If you want to burn fat at a quicker rate, try metabolic training.

Get Your Weight Loss Story Started

You don't have a weight loss story? Maybe its time you got one started already! What's holding you back?

Jump Workouts for Fat Burning This Spring

Kickstart your spring season fat burning with jump training workouts. Now that the weather is warming up, change up your routine. It will make a huge difference in your fat loss results.

Cut Calories by Eating More Protein

Eat protein with every meal. It will help you cut calories without feeling hungry because you are eating enough. And, it will help your fat loss and weight loss efforts.

Top 5 Fat Burning Strength Exercises

To burn fat and sculpt your body, you must build muscle mass. That's the only way to transform your body to lean and toned.

Happy fat burning!

Mark Dilworth at My Fitness Hut

Wednesday 30 March 2011

Eat Quality Calories to Control Weight Gain

Eat quality calories to help control your caloric intake and weight gain. Part of changing your eating habits is learning "what to eat." This might require you to clean out the pantry and start over.

Here are some tips to help you eat quality calories:

1. Control your eating with a meal plan and food journal. You might have to keep a food journal for a week until you get used to eating the right way.

One way to eat quality calories is to "eat your calories" instead of "drinking your calories." When you eat food, you have more satiety and you are more likely to take in fewer calories.

2. Junk food, like chips, donuts and sodas, aren't nutritious and have loads of calories. They also have you wanting to eat more in just a short time, loading up on the calories.

3. Pack your lunches and snacks instead of eating out at work. If you eat at a restaurant for dinner, check out the menu online so you know what to order. Most restaurants now have a "healthy foods" menu.

4. Another way to control caloric intake is to eat more water-based, protein and fibrous foods. You will stay fuller for a longer period of time. It will also help you eat more while eating fewer calories.

You would basically focus on foods such as fresh fruits and vegetables, whole grain pastas, brown rice, nuts, fish, soups, salad greens, lean beef and skinless white chicken/turkey.

5. To help you drink fewer sugary drinks, drink about half an ounce of water for every pound of your body weight every day. So, if you weigh 140 pounds, drink at least 70 ounces of water a day. If you workout, drink even more water (a cup of water for every 15 minutes of exercise).

The old rule still applies: consistently maintaining a caloric surplus (consume more calories than you burn) will cause you to gain weight. Hopefully a diet high in water content will cause you to consume fewer calories while providing all the nutrition you need.

Be sure and download your FREE Fat Loss Tips, Fat Loss Workouts and Meal Plans below!

Subscribe to my FREE Fat Blaster eNewsletter and get FREE eBooks: "10 Must Know Fat Loss Tips," Free Fat Loss Meals and Free Fat Loss Workouts!

"Exercise is not my life.....exercise makes my life better!"

Check out my other great blogs:

Her Fitness Hut Blog Her Fitness Hut is featured on EmpowHER, a great health issues website for women! Her Fitness Hut has also been named in the Top 50 Personal Training Blogs by Physical Therapy Assistant Schools!

Sports Fitness Hut Blog has been recognized by Stanford University Wellsphere as the #1 Sports Fitness Blog and as one of the Best 100 Health and Nutrition Blogs for Athletes! The blog has also been named as one of the "50 Best Sports Medicine Blogs by Masters In Healthcare! It is an honor to be recognized by those in the health and academic fields! Afterall, health is number one for everybody---including athletes!

Monday 28 March 2011

How Exercise Keeps You Young (and Prolongs Your Life)

Dr. Mark Tarnopolsky, of McMaster University in Hamilton, Ontario, has shown that exercise prevents aging in mice programmed to grow old rapidly (The Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, September 22, 2010). The exercising mice did not have the expected shrinkage with aging of their brains, hearts, muscles, skin, hair, ovaries, testicles, spleen, kidneys, and liver. Many other studies show that exercise in later life slows signs of aging such as loss and graying of hair, weaker and smaller muscles, loss of brain function and size, thinning of skin, damage to blood vessels associated with heart attacks and strokes, loss of apoptosis associated with increased cancer risk, and loss of sexuality associated with shrinking of testicles and ovaries.

The explanation for these incredible findings appears to be in the mitochondria that convert food to energy for your body. At all ages, the exercising mice appeared younger and healthier than the non-exercising mice. Mitochondria have a different DNA than other cells in mammals. That means that in the process of evolution, bacteria invaded cells and provided the ability to turn sugar to energy more efficiently than any other process in the body. Aging in humans is associated with loss of function and number of mitochondria which causes decline in tissue functions that causes cancers, arteriosclerosis, diabetes, and Parkinson's and Alzheimer's disease. With aging, genetic mutations cause mitochondria to malfunction and die and you to look older.

As you age, you lose your ability to make AMP-activated protein kinase, also known as AMPK (Cell Metabolism, February 2007). This enzyme functions to increase mitochondria in muscles. Anything that reduces the number or efficiency of mitochondria interferes with your body's ability to burn fat and sugar for energy. As a result, blood sugar, fat and cholesterol levels rise. Most cells in your body contain many mitochondria, small furnaces that burn food for energy. With aging, the number and the efficiency of mitochondria both decrease. This interferes with your body's ability to turn food into energy. The extra calories that are not burned accumulate in your body as fat in your muscles, liver and fat cells. This causes you to gain weight. Extra fat in cells block their ability to take in sugar from the blood stream, so blood sugar levels rise and you are at increased risk for developing diabetes. Extra fat in the liver prevent the liver from removing extra insulin, so insulin levels rise to constrict arteries and cause heart attacks. Insulin also makes you hungry all the time to increase your chances of gaining weight.

AMPK is increased by exercise and by drugs used to treat diabetes, such as metformin or Actos. The best way to increase the number and size of mitochondria in your cells is to exercise. If you do not have a regular exercise program, you are shortening your life. How exercise strengthens mitochondria and prevents aging

The benefits reported in mice appear to apply to humans. For the last two years, Diana and I (ages 69 and 75) have been part of group of tandem bicycle riders, ages 40s to 70s, who race flat out for 25 to 30 miles three times a week and ride more than 100 additional miles in the rest of the week. All look younger, are thinner and more muscular, and are far more active than their same-age contemporaries in The Villages, Florida where we live.

Saturday 26 March 2011

Top 5 Fat Burning Strength Exercises

To burn fat and sculpt your body, you must build muscle mass. That's the only way to transform your body to lean and toned.

You want your strength exercises to primarily build muscle, burn fat, improve bone density and sculpt your body.

One way to build muscle mass is through heavy weight lifting. “Heavy” is relative to your body weight and strength. According to the research, doing this type of weight lifting will give you exercise-induced testosterone increases. Of course, this will help you build muscle mass.

So, how much weight is heavy enough? Your repetition range for exercises should be between 3-5 (you would have a difficult time lifting these repetitions). You would typically do 4-5 sets of each exercise.

Strength exercises for fat loss should focus on maximizing your time at the gym.

Build more muscle mass to speed up your metabolism and burn more fat.

To recruit more muscle fibers during workouts and improve your success, focus more on multi-joint or compound exercises.

Compound exercises will help you burn more fat because you are working large muscle groups in your body. You will also burn more calories after your workout.

Examples of single-joint exercises are biceps curl, seated calf raise, leg extension, leg curl and triceps pushdowns. Spend less of your time on these exercises.

Women can also do this type of training without fear of bulking up too much!

Here are my Top 5 strength exercises to enhance fat loss:

1. Squats - Bodyweight, dumbbell, bulgarian, one-legged or your squats!

2. One-Arm Dumbbell Rows - If you're trying to build up back muscles and burn back fat, bentover dumbbells rows should be in your routine. Bentover dumbbell rows allow you to work your lats using heavier weights. Your lower back will be worked more if you row with both arms at the same time. You will also work your obliques in the process.

3. Pullups - The pullup is not just a back muscle exercise. Pullups work your lats (and other back muscles), core, shoulders, arms, chest, biceps and improve grip strength. That's why you should be doing pullups!

4. Dumbbell Chest Press on Ball - Doing the chest press on the ball forces you to balance while lifting. Each arm also has to do equal work. Regular bench press is always an option.

5. Standing Barbell or Dumbbell Shoulder Press - Doing an exercise on your feet (closed-chain) activates more muscles and that's what you want. The standing shoulder press will not only work your shoulders and arms but will also activate your core muscles. And, since you are standing, your lower body also has to do some work.

Build major muscle mass and watch your body begin to sculpt like never before!

Be sure and download your FREE Fat Loss Tips, Fat Loss Workouts and Meal Plans below!

Subscribe to my FREE Fat Blaster eNewsletter and get FREE eBooks: "10 Must Know Fat Loss Tips," Free Fat Loss Meals and Free Fat Loss Workouts!

"Exercise is not my life.....exercise makes my life better!"

Check out my other great blogs:

Her Fitness Hut Blog Her Fitness Hut is featured on EmpowHER, a great health issues website for women! Her Fitness Hut has also been named in the Top 50 Personal Training Blogs by Physical Therapy Assistant Schools!

Sports Fitness Hut Blog has been recognized by Stanford University Wellsphere as the #1 Sports Fitness Blog and as one of the Best 100 Health and Nutrition Blogs for Athletes! The blog has also been named as one of the "50 Best Sports Medicine Blogs by Masters In Healthcare! It is an honor to be recognized by those in the health and academic fields! Afterall, health is number one for everybody---including athletes!

Friday 25 March 2011

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best Smartest Amber DeLuca Female bodybuilders pictures and guide

Amber was born and raised in Peninsula, Ohio, near the Cuyahoga River. She is the granddaughter of Levi Levering, an inspirational leader of the Omaha people during the early 1900's.

The Omaha nation recognizes Amber as “Ponca-sa”. The Ponca, Quapaw, Osage, Kansa, and Omaha peoples are believed to be closely related. However, over time, they diverged and formed their own separate nations.

Amber DeLuca's Stats

Nationality: American Indian;
Omaha/Shoshone Bannock tribes
Dob: 07/26/67
Height: 5'9
Weight: 196 lbs.
Goal: To be 201 lbs by june at 11% body fat.
Best bench: 285 lbs 8-10 reps
Pull-ups: 15
Best incline: 75 pounds
Shoulder shrugs: 650 lbs 20 reps on hammer shrug machine
Seated Calf Press: 425 Lbs for 77 reps
Incline press: 205 8-10 reps
Dumb Bell Curl on incline: 100 lbs 8 reps
Chinups: 15-18 full range


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Thursday 24 March 2011

Burn Fat Quicker with Metabolic Training

If you want to burn fat at a quicker rate, try metabolic training.

You will burn fat sooner and get in peak condition. You will make improvements in resting heart rate, strength, muscle mass, cardiac output and blood volume. Your body fat will definitely decrease at a faster rate.

Metabolic training is an advanced form of high intensity exercise (strength circuits and interval cardio circuits). Metabolic training is a popular and effective method for sports teams.

If you play on a rec league basketball, soccer or flag football team, metabolic training would be ideal. You would also lessen your chances of injury. Many weekend warriors get hurt because they aren't in condition to play a sport at full speed.

If you play in a flag football league, your metabolic training could be set up to mirror the passing plays found in a 4 quarter game. Sprints, shuttles, jogging and rest periods could be used to metabolically train your body. The goal is for you to be physically fit to play your sport without injury.

As for metabolic resistance training, you want your strength circuits to be set up to last no more than 30 minutes. High intensity-type exercises are ideal for metabolic resistance training.

Choose exercises that help you live and play the way you, exercises like squat jumps, lunges, step ups, sprints, shuttles, jump rope, pushups, rows and presses all work.

Start burning more fat and transforming your body.

Subscribe to my FREE Fat Blaster eNewsletter and get FREE eBooks: "10 Must Know Fat Loss Tips," Free Fat Loss Meals and Free Fat Loss Workouts!

"Exercise is not my life.....exercise makes my life better!"

Check out my other great blogs:

Her Fitness Hut Blog Her Fitness Hut is featured on EmpowHER, a great health issues website for women! Her Fitness Hut has also been named in the Top 50 Personal Training Blogs by Physical Therapy Assistant Schools!

Sports Fitness Hut Blog has been recognized by Stanford University Wellsphere as the #1 Sports Fitness Blog and as one of the Best 100 Health and Nutrition Blogs for Athletes! The blog has also been named as one of the "50 Best Sports Medicine Blogs by Masters In Healthcare! It is an honor to be recognized by those in the health and academic fields! Afterall, health is number one for everybody---including athletes!

Wednesday 23 March 2011

Weight Loss Information You Need

Fat loss and weight loss success starts with getting the right information.

You MUST know what to do, when to do it and how to do it. Once you have the right information to achieve fat loss and weight loss, you MUST work hard, persevere and make no excuses.

My Fitness Hut's 7-Day Weight Loss And Fat Loss e-Course will help you manage your fat loss and weight loss day-in and day-out!

THIS e-Course is ABSOLUTELY FREE! How many times have you followed your meal plan and exercise program all week and then blown it on the weekend by going on an eating binge? If that's you, then you need this 7-day e-Course!

Staying on your fat loss track through all the events of life can sometimes throw you off kilter...this 7-day e-Course will tell you exactly what to do!

Are you still doing the same poorly designed workouts and getting the same "little or no success results" from your workouts? This can leave you feeling OVERWHELMED AND READY TO GIVE UP!


And, if you haven't yet figured out how you need to be eating, you need a meal plan to follow! It takes more than just working out...if you burn 500 calories during a workout and later eat 800 calories, you are just "spinning your wheels" and not making progress!


Are you worth the time and effort it takes to manage your fat loss and weight loss?

Get My Fitness Hut's 7-Day Weight Loss And Fat Loss e-Course! The e-Course is FREE!


"Exercise is not my life.....exercise makes my life better!"

Check out my other great blogs:

Her Fitness Hut Blog Her Fitness Hut is featured on EmpowHER, a great health issues website for women!

Sports Fitness Hut Blog has been recognized by Stanford University Wellsphere as the #1 Sports Fitness Blog and as one of the Best 100 Health and Nutrition Blogs for Athletes! The blog has also been named as one of the "50 Best Sports Medicine Blogs by Masters In Healthcare! It is an honor to be recognized by those in the health and academic fields! Afterall, health is number one for everybody---including athletes!

Monday 21 March 2011

Cut Calories by Eating More Protein

Eat protein with every meal. It will help you cut calories without feeling hungry because you are eating enough. And, it will help your fat loss and weight loss efforts. One of the knocks on fad diets is that you feel like you're starving most of the time.

For example, a study published in Nutrition Research shows that a breakfast including eggs reduces hunger pangs and decreases calorie intake for the rest of the day. It takes your body longer to digest protein, so you will fill fuller for a longer period of time by eating more foods rich in protein

By the way, eating whole eggs (both whites and yolks) will not harm your health. Eggs have taken a bad rap in the past. I would recommend you eat eggs from free-range chickens. They are healthier and taste better.

Its a good idea to get full on protein foods first. It will help you eat less of the condiments and other high-fat foods. You will find yourself eating healthier overall when you load up on foods like eggs, nuts, turkey, chicken, fish, etc.

Protein also helps control your blood sugar levels if you happen to eat carbohydrates with your meal.

Protein is used by your body to repair and rebuild damaged tissues as a result of a tough workout (especially weight training). Quickly digesting protein shakes work well after a workout.

Other daytime and nighttime meals could be comprised of slowly digesting protein (such as lean meats) that will give a constant release of amino acids into your system during the day and overnight.

So, when used right, protein will help you cut calories and build a lean body.

Be sure and download your FREE Fat Loss Tips, Fat Loss Workouts and Meal Plans below!

Subscribe to my FREE Fat Blaster eNewsletter and get FREE eBooks: "10 Must Know Fat Loss Tips," Free Fat Loss Meals and Free Fat Loss Workouts!

"Exercise is not my life.....exercise makes my life better!"

Check out my other great blogs:

Her Fitness Hut Blog Her Fitness Hut is featured on EmpowHER, a great health issues website for women! Her Fitness Hut has also been named in the Top 50 Personal Training Blogs by Physical Therapy Assistant Schools!

Sports Fitness Hut Blog has been recognized by Stanford University Wellsphere as the #1 Sports Fitness Blog and as one of the Best 100 Health and Nutrition Blogs for Athletes! The blog has also been named as one of the "50 Best Sports Medicine Blogs by Masters In Healthcare! It is an honor to be recognized by those in the health and academic fields! Afterall, health is number one for everybody---including athletes!

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