Tuesday 31 May 2011

Cute Beautiful Bodybuilder Girl - Hot Abs Pose

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Heat Stroke and Hyponatremia

The most likely cause of death during hot weather sports is heat stroke, when the body temperature rises so high that it cooks the brain (Medicine and Science in Sports and Exercise, July 2008). Nobody should ever die of heat stroke because your body sends you warning signals as your temperature rises. Those most likely to suffer heat stroke are those who have arteriosclerosis, are overweight or are in poor shape. The treatment for a person who collapses from heat stroke is immediate immersion in cold water.

In 1965, I almost died from heat stroke in an unimportant local race in Arlington, Virginia. I am still embarrassed by the stupidity that I showed when I ignored all of the warning signs as my temperature continued to climb.

Signs of impending heat stroke
First your muscles are affected, then your circulation and then your brain. As your temperature starts to rise, your muscles feel like a hot poker is pressing against them.

It is normal for intense exercise to make your muscles burn, but hard exercise does not cause painful burning that feels like fire. Furthermore, the burning of hard exercise is relieved by slowing down. The muscle burning of impending heat stroke does not go away when you slow down.

As your temperature rises further, the air that you breathe feels like it's coming from a furnace and no matter how rapidly and deeply you try to breathe, you can't take in enough air. When you exercise intensely, you can become very short of breath, but the air you breathe will not burn your lungs. Burning in your lungs, not relieved by slowing down, signals impending heat stroke.

When you feel that the air is so hot that it burns your lungs, stop exercising. This sign means that your heart cannot pump enough blood from your exercising muscles to your skin, so heat is accumulating rapidly and your temperature is rising rapidly. Your temperature is now over 104 and continuing to exercise will raise your body temperature even further and it will start to cook your brain.

Your head will start to hurt, you'll hear a ringing in your ears, you may feel dizzy, you may have difficulty seeing and then you will end up unconscious. Your temperature is now over 106 and your brain is being cooked just as the colorless portion of an egg turns white when it hits the griddle.

When does heat stroke occur?
Almost all cases of heat stroke occur when you suddenly increase the intensity of your exercise, such as the finishing sprint of a long distance running or cycling race, or an intense run down the field in soccer.

How body temperature can rise uncontrollably
An excessive rise in body temperature is caused either by producing too much heat or by inability to dissipate the extra heat. When you exercise, almost 80 percent of the energy that is used to drive your muscles is lost as heat. That means that the harder you exercise, the more heat you produce.

During exercise, more than 70 percent of the energy used to drive your muscles is lost as heat. Your heart has to pump extra blood from your hot muscles to your skin where you sweat. Sweat evaporates and cools your skin to dissipate the heat. The harder you exercise, the more heat your muscles produce. Everyone who exercises, particularly in hot weather, has to sweat to keep the body temperature from rising too high.

Drugs can cause heat stroke
Heat stroke is more likely to be caused by inability to get rid of heat than by producing too much heat. Stimulants such as amphetamines or cocaine can kill athletes by preventing them from getting rid of heat by blocking sweating and blood flow to the skin. A single nasal dose of cocaine can block blood flow to the skin and sweating, to prevent a person from cooling his own body (Annals of Internal Medicine, June 4, 2002).

When a person passes out from heatstroke, get medical help immediately. Any delay in cooling can kill him. Carry the victim rapidly into the shade and place him on his back with his head down and feet up so blood can circulate to his brain. Cool him by pouring on him any liquids you can find or spray him with a hose. It doesn't make any difference what you pour on him: milk, Coca Cola, beer, or anything else. Evaporation of any liquid cools. As you cool him, he will then wake up and talk to you and act like nothing has happened. While he's sitting or lying there, his temperature can rise again and he can go into convulsions or pass out again, so he must be watched for at least an hour.

An athlete or exerciser who passes out from overheating should be immersed in cold water immediately to prevent brain and multiple organ damage. However, a heart attack can also cause a person to pass out and this should not be treated with cold water immersion. Therefore always get medical help immediately when you see a person pass out during exercise.

Heat stroke is caused by continuing to exercise intensely in spite of all the warning signals that the body presents. Dehydration also increases your risk for heat stroke.

When you compete in sports, you need to drink before you feel thirsty, because you slow down and lose power long before you have any signals to tell you that you are dehydrated. In warm weather, trail runners raced 12 km (7.2 miles) much faster when they took fluids (Journal of Athletic Training, March-April 2010). With fluids, they averaged 53.1 minutes compared to 55.7 minutes without fluids. Immediately after the race, the dehydrated runners had signs of greater body stress such as heart rates six beats per minute faster and intestinal temperatures .22 degrees C higher.

Thirst is a late sign of dehydration
You won't feel thirsty during exercise until you have lost between two and four pints, or two to four pounds. Thirst is a very late sign of dehydration. You sweat during exercise, and since sweat contains much less salt than your blood, you lose far more water than salt during exercise. As blood salt levels rise higher and higher, they trip off special osmoreceptors in your brain to tell you that you are thirsty. Since it takes a long time for blood salt levels to rise high enough to tell you that you are thirsty, you will be severely dehydrated long before you feel thirst.

You need more sugar in hot weather
During long sports competitions, you need to take sugar as well as fluid because running out of sugar stored in muscles slows you down. The only mineral that you need to replace during exercise is common table salt. Water or your favorite drink plus food containing sugar and salt are just as effective as any sports drink to maintain endurance and prevent heat exhaustion. The best exercise drink is the one that tastes best to you, because that's what you will drink the most (International Journal of Sport Nutrition and Exercise Metabolism, January 2002).

Up to fifteen years ago, athletes were advised to drink as much as they could to insure that they did not lose any weight during endurance competitions. This caused a condition called HYPONATREMIA which has killed some novice cyclists, runners and athletes in other endurance sports. It occurs almost never in trained athletes because it is most likely to occur in people who slow down so much that they spend too much time drinking fluids and too little effort maintaining pace. During competitions, you work so hard to maintain pace that you have to conscientiously work just to drink enough.

How hyponatremia kills
Hyponatremia is caused by drinking too much fluid, not by excessive loss of salt in sweat or by the stress of exercising. The extra fluid expands blood volume and dilutes blood salt levels. This causes blood salt levels to drop too low, while brain salt levels remain normal. Fluid moves from an area of low salt concentration into areas with high salt levels, so fluid moves from the bloodstream into the brain, causing brain swelling. Since the brain is enclosed in the skull, which is a tight box, the brain expands and has nowhere to go, so it is squashed to cause headache, nausea, and blurred vision.

Blood tests only way to diagnose hyponatremia
Since the symptoms of hyponatremia are the same as those caused by pure dehydration with normal blood salt levels, the only way to diagnose the condition is with blood tests. As blood salt levels drop even lower, the person becomes confused, develops seizures and falls unconscious. You should suspect hyponatremia when the event takes more than four hours and the athlete has been drinking often during the event. Anyone who is confused, passes out or has seizures should be sent to a hospital immediately. Hyponatremia requires skilled management because the first impulse of an inexperienced physician is to give intravenous fluids, which dilute blood salt levels further, causing more brain swelling that can kill the patient.

How much fluid should you drink?
You will not become thirsty during exercise until you have lost between two and four pints of fluid, so you can't wait for thirst to encourage you to drink. Dehydration makes you tired and it is unlikely that you can replace the lost fluid during a race after you have become thirsty. The American College of Sports Medicine recommends a limit of 1200cc (5 cups, 2.5 pints, a little over 1 quart, or 2 average size water bottles) per hour, but for a person who is not exercising near his or her maximum, this could be too much (Clinical Journal of Sport Medicine, July-August 2005). A person exercising near his capacity and not slowed down by fatigue probably does not have to worry about limiting fluid intake. He is working so hard to maintain intensity that he doesn't have enough time to drink too much. On the other hand, people slowed down by fatigue or those who are out of shape should limit fluid intake, probably to less than two water bottles per hour.

Drink to avoid thirst
No studies show that forced drinking of fluids is any more effective than just drinking frequently to avoid thirst (Annals of Nutrition and Metabolism, November 2010). So current advice is to drink frequently, but just try to avoid feeling thirsty. You are in trouble with dehydration when you start to feel thirsty. Thirst is such a late sign of dehydration that once you feel thirsty, it is too late for you to catch up on your fluid needs during competition.

Quick Weight Loss Diet Is Short-Term Fix

Quick weight loss diets will never work for you long-term, unless you count "going in circles" as progress.

Quick weight loss diets will place you further away from your weight loss goals as you yo-yo back and forth with weight loss and more weight gain (and worsened health).

A "quick weight loss only goal" is a short-term fix for your weight problem and will not ultimately help you attain your goals! Establish eating and exercise habits that will help you burn fat and lose weight throughout your life.

The type of food you eat and timing of what you eat is very important for your metabolism to work properly.

Your body needs adequate amounts of the macronutrients (carbohydrates, proteins, fats) to function properly. Establish your foundational eating before trying other techniques like carb-cycling.

Increasing muscle mass is critical to permanently speed up your metabolism. Your body has to work harder to maintain muscle mass. And, increasing muscle mass will burn the fat off of your body. So, start doing your regular weight training workouts 2-3 days a week.

Protein's main role in your body is to repair and rebuild body tissues (especially so after an intense weight training workout). When your body doesn't get enough protein, it will take protein from other sources--mainly your muscles!

Obviously, you don't want that to happen. Including foods with protein in every meal will help you eat less during the day. This happens because it takes your body longer to digest protein.

Eat for health, fat loss and weight loss. You should not ever try a quick weight loss diet program to reach your long-term goals.

If you want “The TRUTH” when it comes to losing fat with proper nutrition, you have to check out my friend's site.

Isabel De Los Rios is one of America’s top nutrition experts and educators and the author of

She has helped hundreds of people lose weight. Don’t miss her Free Report “The Top 5 Essential Truths You Must Know Before You Go on Any Diet Ever Again.”

Isabel is the owner of New Body – Center for Fitness and Nutrition in New Jersey where she has personally educated and coached hundreds of people to realize their weight, health and fitness goals.

As a nutrition specialist and lifestyle coach, it is Isabel’s passion to educate, motivate and inspire people of all types to take daily action in order to realize their physical and personal dreams and goals.

Stop the guessing game when it comes to your eating habits and start shaping the body you always wanted! There are no fads, no pills and no starvation.

Visit Isabel's site now and start burning fat!

Mark Dilworth at My Fitness Hut

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Monday 30 May 2011

Healthy Fitness Girls - Roll Model for Others

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Sunday 29 May 2011

The top six women bodybuilders over 55 kg

The top six women bodybuilders over 55 kg (from L to R): Andrea DECKER (6th place); Alevtina GOROSHINSKAYA (4th place); Larissa CUNHA (2nd place); Elena SHPORTUN (1st place); Simone LINAY (3rd place) and Alina CEPURNIENE (5th place).

The 2007 IFBB world women’s bodybuilding over 55 kg champion Elena SHPORTUN (Russia).
The 2007 IFBB world women’s bodybuilding overall champion Elena SHPORTUN (Russia) congratulated by the IFBB President Dr. Rafael SANTONJA (right) and the IFBB Vice-President for Asia Datuk Paul CHUA (left).

The top six women body fitness up to 158 cm competitors (from L to R): Marisa LOPEZ (6th place); Martina TARKOVA (4th place); Anna RASPUTNYAK (1st place); Natalia REVAJOVA - LENARTOVA (2nd place); Yolanda ESTESO (3rd place) and Agnese RUSSO (5th place).

2007 IFBB world women’s fitness overall champion

2007 IFBB world women’s fitness overall champion
The top six fitness women up to 163 cm (from L to R): Dagmar PASTERNAKOVA (5th place); Loana MUTTONI (3rd place); Margarita BYELINSKA (1st place); Vera EGOROVA (2nd place); Diana MONTEIRO (4th place) and Anna MEKHNINA (6th place).

The 2007 IFBB world women’s fitness overall champion Jana STÖCKELOVA (Czech Republic) congratulated by the IFBB President Dr. Rafael SANTONJA (far left); ANOC Vice-President Dr. Julio MAGLIONE (second from left) and CEO of Santa Susanna’s Tourist Foundation Mr. Joan CAMPOLIER.
The 2007 IFBB world women’s fitness overall champion Jana STÖCKELOVA (Czech Republic) with her trophy.

he top five fitness men in the open category (from L to R): Roberto DALLAKIAN (4th place); Mikhail IVANOV (2nd place); Tomasz PIETRAS (1st place); Andrzej BACZYNSKI (3rd place) and Jan BÖHM (5th place).

Female bodybuilding Dagmar PASTERNAKOVA Czech Rep.

Female bodybuilding Dagmar PASTERNAKOVA Czech Rep.
2007 Santa Susanna Fitness Weekend was so long that we could title it “The Fitness Week” this year. Many IFBB officials came to this Spanish spa on Tuesday, September 18, to take part in the World Judges Seminar, then amateur athletes joined them to compete for medals at the 2007 IFBB World Women Bodybuilding and Fitness Championships and World Men Fitness Championships

IFBB Female And Male Bodybuilding Upcoming News

IFBB Female And Male Bodybuilding Upcoming News
2004 world champion (90 kg) Bogdan Szczotka (left) and 1996 world champion (80 kg) Oleg Zhur (in the center) currently work as national bodybuilding coaches of Poland and Czech Republic respectively. Here, with Czech official Stanislav Pesat (right).

What is better for bodybuilder: to keep his mouth open or close while performing compulsory poses? From L to R: Anwar El Amawy (Egypt) and Mauro Rainieri (Italy).

Visible lower back details are the best proof of top shape and definition. This “Christmas tree” was displayed in Manama by the three-time world champion, Sazali Abd Samad of Malaysia.

2008 world women’s bodybuilding heavyweight champion Alina Popa (Switzerland).

2008 World Women’s Championships: Tatiana Tishchenko (Russia).

2008 World Women’s Championships: Slovak fitness champion Barbora Buncakova.

2008 World Women’s Championships: Thai fitness champion Apiporn Chomsomboon.

2008 World Women’s Championships: Japanese fitness star Tomoko Mikuni

great hard female bodybuilding by Barbora BUNCAKOVA Slovakia

great hard female bodybuilding by Barbora BUNCAKOVA Slovakia

Farewell Banquet after the 2008 World Women’s Championships in Santa Susanna: Canadian Federation Judges Committee Chairwoman, Debbie Karpenko, with the IFBB President Dr. Rafael Santonja (left), Santa Susanna Mayor Jose Monreal (second from left) and IFBB Patron Joan Campolier (right).

very smart female bodybuilder beautiful female bodybuilder Maria ALEXEEVA Russia

very smart female bodybuilder beautiful female bodybuilder Maria ALEXEEVA Russia
Our President is, for years, in total “over-drive” in the service of the IFBB. The Presidency, Santonja style, is a full-time job ... trips ... meetings ... trips.
These moments of beach time give a very nice "collectors" photo. It remains as a memento of happiness in the family photo album. The President, like many of us, protects his "Family" as being a quasi Sacred universal value.

IFBB Women body-fitness overall winner

IFBB Women body-fitness overall winner

Yulia ZABELINA (Russia) declared the women body-fitness overall winner by the EBFF President, Dr. Rafael SANTONJA (left) and the Balkan Federation President, Nenad VUCKOVIC.

Women body-fitness overall winner, Yulia ZABELINA (Russia), with her trophy

IFBB Women bodybuilding overall winner

Women bodybuilding overall winner

Florina VISAN (Romania) declared the women bodybuilding overall winner by the EBFF President, Dr. Rafael SANTONJA (left) and the Serbian Federation Marketing Commission chairman, Dejan TOMASEVIC.

Women bodybuilding overall winner, Florina VISAN (Romania), with her trophy.
Florina VISAN
Florina VISAN

IFBB Men Fitness Contest Winner

IFBB Men Fitness Contest Winner

Men fitness open category (from L to R): Andriy KARPIKOV (2nd place); Stanislav ZAYNILOV (1st place); Mikhail IVANOV (3rd place)

he winner: Stanislav ZAYNILOV (Russia)
Stanislav ZAYNILOV
IFBB Men Fitness Contest

Female Bodybuilding Fitness +163cm Winner Contest

Female Bodybuilding Fitness +163cm Winner Contest

Women fitness over 163 cm category (from L to R): Maria ALEXEEVA (2nd place); Evgeniya FILYANINA (1st place); Tetiana BIELOUSOVA (3rd place).

The winner: Evgeniya FILYANINA (Russia).

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Saturday 28 May 2011

Top 3 Total Body Toning Tips

Total body toning is the key to burning more fat and transforming your body. You must make a major commitment to strength training.....In other words, "muscle up" (not bulk up) and the fat will melt away! Not only will your body's composition improve (less fat, more muscle), it will improve your overall health (including bone density).

Ready to go to work?

Here are my Top 3 Total Body Toning Tips:

1. Strength training should be tailored to your body type. We all have a body type due to heredity and lifestyle choices. A fitness assessment is important because a personal trainer identifies postural weaknesses and muscle imbalances. The fitness program is then tailored to fit your needs. Without this assessment, you are "shooting in the dark."

Achieving optimal muscular fitness requires flexibility, strength, endurance, power, and speed. These components should be included in an integrated training program.

Because of lifestyle habits, the dominant side of the body develops more than the non-dominant side. And, if certain patterns or muscular actions are performed repeatedly, muscles develop more in either the front of the body or the back of the body. As a result, some muscles become tight, lengthened or weak.

An integrated training program focuses on 3-dimensional muscular balance. This is done by training in all 3 planes of motion. This will help overall strength, burn more fat, prevent injuries and enhance everyday living.

Opposing muscle groups should be in balance. Focusing more on exercises like squats, deadlifts, rows, shoulder presses and bench presses will help you do this. Using more unilateral (one-leg, one-arm) exercises also improve muscular balance. Lunges, step ups and dumbbell exercises fit this category.

So, muscle-building is a never ending process. It is much more than haphazard weight training programs with no design. You need at least 3 weight training workouts per week, 20-50 minutes per session (depending on your training maturity and goals).

2. Your cardio exercise should aid in your fat loss and not waste away your precious muscle mass. Your cardio exercise should:

--Improve heart health
--Burn calories (during and after your workout)
--Burn fat
--Spare muscle mass

Keep your cardio workouts at about 20 minutes. That's all it takes to help you reach your goals. And, it will keep you from the boredom and muscle-wasting that's built into long cardio sessions.

Intense interval cardio workouts will increase your body's growth hormone. Research has also proven that the benefits of anaerobic exercise (like sprint interval cardio) is superior to aerobic exercise for fitness and heart health.

3. Eat for fat loss. You must eat enough to build muscle and burn fat. A balanced diet which contains the macronutrients (carbs, protein, fats) is best. You should calculate your calorie needs for reaching your goals. Starvation diets will not work. Nutritious calories are critical to build muscle.

For instance, you should eat protein with every meal. Protein is critical for rebuilding muscle tissues after workouts. Protein also helps you control calorie intake because you stay fuller for longer.

It is also a good muscle building tactic to eat protein before and after strength workouts. Protein drinks (particularly whey) work well for this purpose.

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Hottest Female Bodybuilder - Michele

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Friday 27 May 2011

The Dangers of Fructose

An ever-increasing number of studies show that sugared drinks and foods cause fatty liver, obesity, high blood pressure, diabetes, heart attacks, kidney damage and premature death. A review of recent studies shows that fructose may be more damaging than other sugars (Journal of the American Society of Nephrology, November 29, 2010).

Fructose is found in:
• fruit juices (sucrose, which is glucose and fructose bound together in a single molecule),
• table sugar from sugar cane and beets (sucrose),
• honey (mostly glucose and fructose separate from each other), and
• drinks and foods that contain High Fructose Corn Syrup (glucose and fructose, separate from each other).
• Sucrose is also found in most fruits and many vegetables.

Sucrose contains 50 percent fructose and 50 percent glucose bound together. High Fructose Corn Syrup contains approximately a 55/45 proportion of fructose and glucose. As far as the body is concerned, the ratio of glucose to fructose is not important. The issue is whether fructose is more harmful than glucose.

Glucose, but not fructose, can circulate in your bloodstream
Only single sugars can pass from your intestines into your bloodstream. The double sugars, such as sucrose in fruits or lactose in milk, have to be broken down into single sugars before they can be absorbed. Glucose is the only sugar that is allowed to circulate through your body. Fructose cannot circulate in your bloodstream. Fructose is absorbed from your intestines into the blood vessels that carry blood to your liver, where it is immediately converted to glycogen, the stored sugar in your liver, or to triglycerides, a type of fat.

When the liver's stores of glycogen are needed for energy, the glycogen is converted into glucose and released into the bloodstream. After glucose is absorbed into the bloodstream, it passes into your general circulation and is used for energy for your brain, muscles and other tissues. Glucose in your blood supplies almost 98 percent of the calories necessary for your brain to function, which is why a sudden drop in blood sugar can cause you to pass out.

How fructose causes liver damage, obesity, diabetes and death
Your liver converts excess fructose into triglycerides.
• are building blocks for the bad LDL cholesterol that forms plaques in arteries,
• can be stored in your liver to cause a fatty liver,
• can be stored in your fat cells to make you obese.

Having excess triglycerides in your liver:
• causes a condition called fatty liver which interferes with normal liver function; and
• causes fat to be stored in your belly and decreases insulin sensitivity to cause diabetes (Journal of Clinical Investigation, May 2009).

Triglycerides can pass into your bloodstream to:
• damage your kidneys to cause high blood pressure, and
• in very high amounts, can form clots in your bloodstream.

All of these side effects of excess triglycerides increase your risk for heart attacks and strokes.

Who is harmed by fructose?
Fructose appears to be safe if:
• You don't eat large amounts. You have to take in a lot of fructose to raise your triglycerides and become insulin insensitive. Small amounts will not harm you.

• You are not overweight. The fatter you are, the more likely you are to become diabetic. Full fat cells send out hormones of inflammation that block insulin receptors to increase risk for diabetes.

• You do not store fat primarily in your belly. Storing fat primarily in your belly means that you are already insulin insensitive and have high blood insulin and sugar levels. High levels of insulin cause fat to be stored specifically in the liver and belly.

• You exercise regularly. Contracting muscles draw sugar so rapidly from the bloodstream that there is less fructose available to be turned into triglycerides.

• You get your fructose from fruit, not fruit juice. Fructose in fruit is absorbed far more slowly than fructose in fruit juice. The fiber in fruit can keep fruit in your stomach for up to five hours and markedly slows absorption to reduce blood sugar levels. On the other hand, the sugar in fruit juice passes directly into the intestines to be absorbed immediately and cause a high rise in blood sugar. A high rise in blood sugar causes sugar to stick to cell membranes that causes irreversible damage.

Fructose helps athletes and exercisers
Fructose can be an athlete's best friend. When you exercise, your muscles and brain constantly draw sugar from your bloodstream as a source of energy. The energy for your brain is supplied by sugar in your bloodstream. There is only enough sugar in your bloodstream to last 3 minutes. So your liver has to constantly release sugar from its cells into your bloodstream. However, there is only enough sugar in your liver to last 12 hours at rest, and far less than that during exercise. Your liver can run out of its stored sugar and your blood sugar level can drop, you feel dizzy, lose all muscle strength and can pass out and suffer seizures. Cyclists call this "bonking." Bonking is common in bicycle racers who do not eat frequently during long races, but it is rare in long distance runners. When you run, your leg muscles are damaged from the constant pounding on the roads and you must slow down. However, you pedal in a smooth rotary motion which does not damage your muscles, so you can continue to pedal at a rapid cadence for many hours, until you run out of sugar.

Fructose is the best and most efficient sugar to keep up liver glycogen during competition and to replenish liver stored after an intense workout (Medicine & Science in Sports & Exercise, March 2011). Bicycle racers who ingest drinks that contain fructose can replace lost liver glycogen four times as fast as those who take drinks containing only glucose.

Glucose plus fructose is better than just fructose
If you exercise for more than a couple hours, you can use up almost all of your (stored liver glycogen. Taking drinks that contain both fructose and glucose will keep you going far more efficiently than if you take only one of these sugars (International Journal of Sport Nutrition and Exercise Metabolism, April 2010; Scandinavian Journal of Medicine & Science in Sports, February 2010). Most bottled sports drinks and sugared soft drinks in North America are sweetened with high-fructose corn syrup, containing glucose and fructose in close to equal portions.

No fructose when you are not exercising
Loading with sugared drinks and foods is safe only for people exercising intensely for more than two hours at a time. Low intensity exercise or exercising for less than two hours will not protect you from the potential damage caused by sugared drinks.

How exercise prevents fatty liver and prolongs life
Any exercise that you do will help to protect you from the ravages of sugared foods and drinks. It is usually safe to take sugared drinks while you exercise because blood sugar levels rarely rise too high during exercise or for up to an hour afterward. Contracting muscles draw sugar so rapidly from the bloodstream that there is no sharp rise in blood sugar.

• Contracting muscles help to prevent the high rise in blood sugar that follows eating refined carbohydrates during rest (American Journal of Clinical Nutrition, July 2008).
• Unlike resting muscles, contracting muscles do not require insulin to move sugar inside their cells (Journal of Applied Physiology, July 2005).
• Contracting muscles remove sugar maximally from the bloodstream, without needing insulin, during & up to one hour after exercise. The effect tapers off to zero at about 17 hours (Journal of Applied Physiology, February 2010).

You should avoid sugared drinks at rest
I recommend that you avoid all sugared drinks (sugared sodas and fruit juices) and foods with added sugars except during vigorous exercise.

What to drink during sports that require intense exercise for more than an hour:
Drink any sugared drinks. Ordinary beverages containing both glucose and fructose are probably best; there is no need to seek out special sugars or sugar combinations.

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Wednesday 25 May 2011

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