Saturday 7 November 2009

Tabata Training For Fat Loss

Tabata training for fat loss might sound weird but it can be a
time-effective, fat loss training tool for you to use! If you're looking for ways to change up your exercise program, try Tabata training.

Tabata training was developed by Izumi Tabata, Ph.D. in Tokyo. Tabata is a very intense interval training technique. It is a great way to burn more calories and fat during and after your workout! You will need one exercise and 4 minutes! Yes, only 4 minutes!

Tabata training works this way:

1. After a 5 minute warmup, choose an exercise like squat-to curl-to press or medicine ball front chop.

2. Do as many repetitions as you can for 20 seconds.

3. Rest for 10 seconds.

4. Repeat this cycle for 4 minutes! Make sure to maintain correct form as you get fatigued! You will be exhausted at the end!

As you progress, you can add more time but keep the 2-to-1 work to rest ratio. For instance, you could do a 30 sec./15 sec. work to rest ratio. You could also speed up your repetitions to make Tabata training even more intense!

I have also used the Tabata training technique at the beginning or end of a 20-minute workout. Just use the first or last 4 minutes of your 20-minute workout and do Tabata training!

Do Tabata training no more than 2 times a week. Go ahead and try Tabata training!

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