Tuesday 3 November 2009

Burn More Fat With Plyometrics

If you're having trouble burning fat, then try plyometric exercises. Because of the intensity of plyometrics (jump training), you will burn more fat and better sculpt your body.

Plyometric exercises not only burn more fat, they also improve your power, or speed strength (how fast your muscles can produce force).

Here are some good plyometric exercises to help you burn more fat and sculpt your body.

1. In Place Vertical Jumps, full speed, Double Leg, 3 sets/10, 2 minutes rest between sets

2. Depth Jumps, 2 sets/10, 2 minutes rest between sets

3. Bounding and Lateral Bounding, full speed, 2 sets of each/10, 2 minutes rest between sets

4. Lateral Cone Jumps, full speed, 2 sets/10 each side, 1 minute rest between sets

5. Standing Long Jumps (pictured above), full speed, 2 sets/10, 2 minutes rest between sets

6. Dumbbell Calf Raises, full speed, 3 sets/25, 2 minutes rest between sets

Do a plyometric workout no more than 2 days a week because of the full speed intensity of this type of workout.

Avoid knee injuries by perfecting jumping and landing techniques before progressing to full speed plyometric workouts.

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