Monday 11 July 2011

Short Bursts Burn Fat Faster

Vary your workout intensity with short bursts to burn fat faster. The more intense your workout, the more fat you will burn. Stop spending 2-3 hours in the gym. Quality workouts are the key to fat loss and weight loss success.

Some of you can break through your fat loss and weight loss plateau by varying your workouts with short bursts. If you have been doing the same workout for months or even years, your progress has probably stalled.

Research at Duke University, directed by Dr. Cris Slentz, supports high-intensity exercise for better fat loss. The eight-month study showed that people could lose weight with exercise and no dieting. Those who exercised intensely (especially using interval training) lost much more fat than those who exercised moderately.

According to the research, the high-intensity exercisers had these advantages over the low-to-moderate intensity exercisers:

--more release of fat from cells
--more fat used as fuel during exercise
--increased metabolic rate after exercise

Here is a good tactic to use all the time: exercise at the location where you are currently. Fit in 10-20 minutes of exercise during "dead time." Ten minutes of exercise here and 10 minutes of exercise there works just fine. Two-a-day workouts will burn more calories and burn more fat than one workout.

Change up your workouts and burn more fat with my Free 10-minute workouts below!

Download your FREE 10-Minute Fat Burning Workouts now!

"Exercise is not my life.....exercise makes my life better!"

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Her Fitness Hut Blog Her Fitness Hut is featured on EmpowHER, a great health issues website for women! Her Fitness Hut has also been named in the Top 50 Personal Training Blogs by Physical Therapy Assistant Schools!

Sports Fitness Hut Blog has been recognized by Stanford University Wellsphere as the #1 Sports Fitness Blog and as one of the Best 100 Health and Nutrition Blogs for Athletes! The blog has also been named as one of the "50 Best Sports Medicine Blogs by Masters In Healthcare! It is an honor to be recognized by those in the health and academic fields! Afterall, health is number one for everybody---including athletes!


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