Thursday 3 December 2009

Prevent Weight Gain During Holiday Travel

Its easy to gain weight while you travel during the holidays. Pack your food and your clothes when you travel this holiday season. Some of you travel 4-5 days a week, every week! Eating all the holiday treats can add pounds to your body in a hurry! So, just plan your meals like always and you can enjoy your holiday treats too!

If you are a frequent flyer or driver, you know the food traps found in airport or roadside restaurants! The food choices are usually high-calorie, high-carb and high-fat. You have even more high-calorie food and dessert choices during the holidays.

Try to stay with your meal plan as much as possible while traveling during the holidays. Haphazard eating or grazing will skyrocket your calories and pack pounds on your body!

The simple solution is to plan and pack nutritious foods like sandwiches with lean meats, salads, nuts, fruit, yogurt, yogurt smoothies, popcorn, etc. And drink plenty of water or unsweetened tea (and not high-calorie designer coffees!). You can't go wrong with those foods and drinks.....maybe you can come up with yours....just have a plan and follow it during the holidays!

Get My Fitness Hut's 7-Day Weight Loss And Fat Loss e-Course! The e-Course is FREE! Use the course while you travel this holiday season!

"Exercise is not my life.....exercise makes my life better!"

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